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Everything posted by chilli

  1. Saturday for me too. Watch the ticks their brutal this year.
  2. When Hunting Deer you see turkeys and can usually get a shot but they're out of season "OOS". Today I went out to set up my turkey hunting blind before season opener and what do I see? Now before you watch the video be warned it's about 3.5 minutes long so dial up don't even bother. Secondly the deer was directly upwind when the encounter happened. The frogs noises masked my steps in the crunchy loostrife patches but even once spotted the deer seemed curious. When it wouldn't move I tried to scare it by waving my arm high over my head thus the camera shake once and awhile. Instead of giving me the action shot by waving his bright white rear end goodbye at me, he came closer. Now if you've ever hunted you know this just doesn't happen! When I first spotted this deer it was 30 yards away. My bow is accurate for 50 yards with a steady hand and a shot gun even farther. This deer came within 15 yards and turned broadside! Man I can't wait for Oct 1st <embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=6099463623607297864&hl=en-CA" flashvars=""> </embed> Sorry bart the shakes
  3. I've been a member for a few years and learned quickly that if you voice your concerns with the OFAH whether it be your zone rep or the appropriate contacts at head office, things happen. It's amazing the complacency of sportsman these days and most choose to wait and criticize an unfavorable decision instead of getting their input in before the decision is made in the first place. This holds true for both the OFAH and the MNR. Those communication lines are open both ways and I really feel that a constant connection with any organization you belong to, makes allot of difference. Recently I've heard allot of complaints about the OFAH and I repeatedly ask, "did you contact them before coming here and publicly complaining"? The answer is usually "no I'm not a member". If you have issue with the OFAH please call them. It does get settled. I'm guessing that most sportsman who took the time to actually call would join if not already members. You don't need to be a member to voice your concerns, complaints or inquiries. I work with the OFAH on different projects and I'll use the Dunnville walleye program for example. It's amazing the impact you can have on an organization when you actually volunteer beside them in the field. You gain a respect for each other that can't be found just by paying a membership fee and complaining when you don't agree with a stand or action they took on an issue. I do have issues with some projects and I openly express that within the organization itself and I've seen the effect my opinion has had. The telemarketing and fund raiser mailings can be stopped by making a call. That was the product of member input on how to fund raise more money in order to deliver programs. I called Robert Pye at head office and was removed from the mailing list and phone contact list. Easy as making the call and it saves the organization postage. I encourage everyone here, member or not, friend or foe, to call the OFAH be it headquarters or zone rep to discuss any problems you may have with the organization. You may be surprised to hear how some people are using anti OFAH propaganda to forward their own sporting organizations. That in my eyes is the lowest an angler or hunter could sink. Anyone who wishes to start another organization and gain members based its own merits is welcome in my eyes and I may even join but not if their success is based on pointing out another outdoor sporting orgs faults or weaknesses. Guys make the call and get it off your chest! http://www.ofah.org ofah@ofah.org 1-705-748-6994 BTW - That castle was built without using a single membership dollar. For more myth busting facts call that number above. Thanks Dad for forwarding me this thread. Dan Andrews
  4. Would be really cool to have this pinned. Ok guys it's time to step up to the plate View calendar entry For those of you who don't have time to get involved with fish and wildlife programs or habitat planting etc. you can do your part by just going out for dinner. Yes it is expensive. That is because it is a fund raiser. If your not like me and spend hundreds of dollars every year to renew your multiple memberships to various organizations, you can give back another way. By attending a fund raising dinner like this one. Pheasants forever does not release pheasants. They secure properties and restore them back to a hospitable state for our wildlife and not just pheasants but an assortment of species including allot of endangered ones. Even if you don't hunt, as fisherman you can appreciate how things on land affect the fisheries through runoff. A healthy land environment adds clean water for our fish to swim in. Having wild turkeys to look at on the way to the dock is a sign things are getting better. Pheasants Forever Niagara needs your help this weekend just to get off the ground. They are hosting their fund raising dinner in Niagara on the Lake so it should be a classy deal. Dinner will be followed by an auction and from the conversation I just had with Ian Magee, there will be some awesome must haves up for bid. This is an event put on by sportsman for sportsman. I really hope the Niagara area sportsman step up to the plate Also there is an outdoor speaker Dan Elliot, the Provincial Coordinator of the Pheasant program from the MNR, with a power point presentation. Dan will be able to answer all your questions and stress the importance of this program. Michael Olsen Chef from Canada In The Rough, will be signing DVD videos. Once again, please visit The calendar entry
  5. Like the new regs Great format easy to find exceptions and extra opportunities. Need some fresh blood for the resource though. Bureaucracy wastes way too much money. Need some more enforcement. Need to return match funding to fish and wildlife SPA and CFWIP Hopefully Donna Cansfield's environmental background will add some weight to the protection of wetlands and stream banks. Also there are some common sense changes around the great lakes like they now have closed seasons inland where the fish go to spawn rather than just closing the lake.
  6. Beauties for sure! The second pic is my favourite. Seeing that at my feet would scare me if it weren't attached to my line first.
  7. Actually I thought the thickness of the skull would be a good indicator. I've found a few of these on Navy Island (complete skeletons) but this one seemed like it had allot more mass than most. A buddy told me the best indicator is the wear on the teeth but as you've pointed out it depends on the diet. This one isn't from Navy Island however. I found it near my tree stand (200 yards) in Fort Erie. Thanks for your replies. Dan
  8. How big do you think this buck was? The entire skeleton was there so I'm guessing it was either wounded or died of old age. Dan
  9. Thanks Still only 6 out of 10 board of directors nominated. I don't know why no one has stepped up for President. Easiest job in the whole joint. You just follow the meeting agenda, bang the gavel and be the figure head. Really hoping someone intelligent with both hunting and fishing under their belt steps up. They don't need either but I'd like to see this club return to it's hay day. The alternative is not acceptable. Come on people in St Kitts. Give your city a voice!
  10. September 24th came and went and NO one stood for the President's Job. We have a new Vice President (Doug Gauthier), Second Vice (Paul Groves), Secretary (Bruce Downs) and Treasurer (Tom Copeland) all four were acclaimed. We have to have a President. Please attend the Oct 22nd meeting if you can and let someone know if you'd consider running. Well a promise is a promise and Dagmar and Jerry have committed to not committing this next 2 year term. The problem with stepping in when no one else will is you come to find out just how important keeping a club like this going really is. If you can't find anyone to replace you come elections, it's just too hard to step away. The answer for Dagmar and Jerry is obvious. JUST SAY NO! As harsh as that seems it's obvious they made the right decision. Without fresh blood and new input, volunteer organizations stagnate. Yes there is no substitute for experience and both Jerry and Dagmar have agreed to give full support to anyone who steps in. WHO CAN RUN? If you are currently a member in good standing you can be nominated and run for a position on the executive. Currently the Bi-Law states you have to be on the executive for 2 years to run for President but Jerry our current President can and will wave that Bi-Law. So the time has come for the few who have stood for so long to cut the thread and see where this club lands. Please attend the September 24th meeting. If you can't commit 2 years towards your favourite hobby then agree to stand for the Board of Directors. The BOD simply run errands for the executive and will allow us to gain charitable status and run a democratic club for 2 more years. Who can nominate someone? You can nominate any member in good standing but they either must be present at the meeting or provide a letter agreeing to stand for the position before the meeting. If you yourself can't make the Sept 24th meting but are willing to stand for a position on the executive or the BOD, please provide a letter ASAP. Your time will be appreciated by the outdoors community in St Catharines and beyond.
  11. I love the small streams but stay away come September. Not only do the salmon bring out the worst people but they bring out the worst in people. We're like a bunch of damm bears only we're trying to make it look legal. Well it doesn't look that way and the fish aren't very edible. The truth of the matter is it's primarily poorly skilled anglers or egg hunters screwing these streams over.
  12. Wow no one in Ontario interested in commenting on the fate of the fish and wildlife program. The people who cut it in the first place promising to fund it and the promise breakers not ready to help and someone new who's never had the chance to break a promise says they're willing to do better and nobody's got anything to say about it? Is anyone going to vote from this board come the tenth?
  13. I've got a local thing going to ask all the Niagara Falls riding Candidates what they plan to do for the fish and wildlife program. I've never taken the Green Party seriously until this year simply because as John Tory is quoted as saying "They add a one dimensional view to the debate". Until you dig, the media won't provide you with any other view so I dug and found out these folks are serious contenders who have a much bigger platform than just environment. As hunters and anglers we know that environment does however have a large role to play in our sport. The following quote is an email conversation between Melanie Mullen (Green Party Candidate Niagara Falls) and myself on behalf of many sporting interest communities throughout Niagara.
  14. Haven't seen it yet. You don't need the upgrade. They gave me that load of bull. Goes right i hand with the "you have to keep your phone line connected" Bull! They tried telling me I needed the doulble LMB or whatever that prong is on the dish Ask anyone with a single prong that has free to air and they'll show you WFN and wild TV. Gee I wonder why people rip Bell off
  15. No there's a 5 point safety harness on him as well (black with grey tether). He can't fall or stand up. Problem is if he has to go NOW!!! he's going to have to get the stand wet
  16. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  17. I thought it was a smally too! Then I noticed the dinosaurs behind him and thought I better click the picture to make it bigger It's amazing how big they fel coming in too. They turn sideways to fight. Smart fish Dan
  18. An MNR biologist informed me back in March that they were monitoring a new marine virus that effects carp. This after I offered a small carp for VHS testing. I was told it wasn't VHS but the symtoms appeared simular like the bulging eyes and bleeding from the gills or scales. They found this in Hammy Harbour. Yes carp are an invasive. They were not brought directly to the wild but raised in farms as food. Flooding allowed them to escape as well as poor maintanance, disconcern and release after bussiness failures. The asian carp followed pretty much the same path and seeing as us stupid humans don't learn from our mistakes, the great lakes are due for another carp invasion. One was already found in Lake Michigan but they are hoping it didn't have a mate handy. BTW the bloody red shrimp Great Lakes Invasive number 184 has been found in Lake Erie. I enjoy catching carp but they sure have altered the native ecosystems for the worse. If they could find a poison that targets only non native carp then fine we could use another program like the lampray one. It sounds like a ridiculous rumour as the MNR would have to notify the public if applying any poisons. If they did I would expect it to not effect the native species like the small and big mouth buffalo.
  19. Just packed away a stove I inherited before reading this thread last night. I have a 3 burner and a 2 mantle lantern. Yes they are hardy things. The "MADE IN CANADA" is stamped into the metal and there is no plastic. Everything is made sturdy and SIMPLE. When I first got the stove I had to buy a small leather gasket for the pump because after a decade it had dried out. I've had to buy one glass for the lantern. I have gone through several plastic funnels for filling them though. So I read this thread last night and today outside a general store I see a 2 burner from the same era and a cooler with 3 pots and camping dishes. All for $10! He sais he's got a whole attic full of this stuff so I'll be looking at buying the lot of it including the old canvass tents. Now he said the last time the stove ran it was fine. IN 1987!! It fired right up 20 years later It would be a sin to send this to recycle. Thats why they don't make it like they used to. Keep your propane. It just creates more garbage and employs people in China. Dan
  20. I grabbed a little clip myself of the clouds. Got 1 10 minutes before. It dropped at least 5 degrees instantly. Thats when everyone got out of the water and headed for the car. clip
  21. I Love working with the kids. Last years camp out saw 1 girl guide troup. They had so much fun doing what girls aren't supposed to they brought back 3 more troups with them this year. Archery, pellet rifles and guns, lure making and wood carving. The MNR came down with a canine unit and did a search demonstartion also. The camp fires and just running through the woods of the Port Colborne Conservation Clubs 3D archery course was a blast for the kids as well. I gotta give credit to Alfred Maranelli and the OFAH for putting this on for the kids for free. We had kids from Across zone J attend and for the first time the rain held off for my tent. At least until it was time to pack up. Here's a little clip of what the kids do. While at youtube run a search for "wildniagara" to see other videos on relative topics. Enjoy. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> Dan
  22. It's a kinky Dunnville thing. Most newlyweds use Jello.
  23. Looks like there's nowhere you can't launch a boat now. That's awesome. Good milage I bet. Looks like a good boat for crappy fishing. I wouldn't stand in it though
  24. From pos to pos is now allowed. Read your newest OOD mag for details. It's all in the hotwire section. Don't see that section? join the OFAH
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