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Everything posted by eyefish

  1. bass lake road side
  2. are we talking the BPS open ?
  3. Skeeter....BASS switched from ranger to skeeter this year..so that has to tell you something
  4. Customer service is 2nd to none...I have worked the "show" circut for john for the last 3 years now...and you won't meet a nicer guy!
  5. I've fished bass tournies for about 10 years now...and man wha a rush it is to catch a 25 lbs sack....25 lbs yesterday would have put you 15 lbs behind the leader...absolutely incredible!!!!!! Aroon martens said he threw back 2 sacks over 30 lbs....all I can say is WOW!
  6. i have had my centre pin for about 12 years and i have never done anything to my bearings, and it runs just as good now as it did when i bought it
  7. the tightline booth for me wed-sun I'll have tag on..that says......TODD
  8. I'll be there working it all week
  9. good job bud...glad i could help you out!
  10. For those heading down to the show tomorrow...stop by and say hi..I'll be working the tightlines booth...I'll be the guy with the Skeeter shirt on . I'll also be in London next weekend too
  11. it would be stamkos..tavares is the following year
  12. I just a brought a boat in from Ohio 2 weeks ago...and had no problems bringing it back 20 mins at customs was all it took...make sure you have the title all 3 items ..boat motor and trailer...bills of sale for each..you pay both taxes on boat and motor...and 1 tax (gst) on trailer. any other question send me a pm
  13. you can't ice fish scuggog until jan 1..and check the new regs there have been some changes to limits
  14. I just purchased a boat from over the border and i was wondering if anyone could give me some information on the required paperwork i will need when i bring it back over the border next weekend?
  15. now i have so much time for fishing and no one to go with...i think i will start thursday anyone available?
  16. I too say a brown..no stocking of atlantics in erie at least I think so anyway
  17. not sure i got it too!
  18. PM me
  19. the best fishing game would have to sega bass fishing duel for the PS2
  20. oh the ganny...I can't wait till the end of september...bring on the bows!!!!!!
  21. I am surprised that all you have caught up there are 2 lbers....there are lots of huge fish in there I was up there last weekend and caught 2 HAWGS...1 almost 6 and one pushing 8..the bigger one was on a senko and the smaller one(funny when you call a 6 lber a smaller one) but he was on the flippin jig. Try deep weedlines
  22. nope it wasn't dead at all...I caught it in the morning and the picture was taken around 3..white bottom in the livewell...just goes to show you that fish apapt to their surroundings.
  23. First one is light from sitting in the livewell all day and yes they tasted fantastic!!!
  24. Headed out to Rice for opener on Saturday with some buddies..fishing was ok not great but I have seen worse...we had 4 boats out there and managed 7 fish between us...all fish caught on crankbaits near drop offs. First picture is the biggest of the bunch..bout 3 lbs maybe. Made it out to Scuggog last night after work with my brother..fishing was tuff but we did manage a couple fish...as a note to people who are planning on heading out in the future the walleye are still spawning...both of our fish came in water no deeper than 3 feet...Talked to a couple guys when we got off teh water and we were told that lots of guys are still getting them off their docks. Second picture is the big one from last night maybe 5-5.5lbs a nice fish for scuggog. Good luck all. Todd
  25. This is what was missing in my article. ""without feeling any resistance while at the same time allowing you to feel the strike. In almost all cases when bottom fishing, floating bait is used. The most effective presentation is a roe bag with a couple of pieces of styrofoam tied in it to keep the bait off the bottom. Hooks Now this is where you can run into some problems. There are many types and sizes of hooks used to catch fish. With trout you want to use a smaller hook. Anywhere from a number 10 to a number 16 octopus hook depending on water clarity. The cleaner the water the smaller the hook you should use. Leaders A leader is a section of line smaller in diameter than the main line. Leaders are used when the water is clean. These can be attached anywhere on your setup with a small swivel. When float fishing, the leader is tied just under the float. Leaders serve 2 purposes. The first would be allowing you to break off on a snag below your float saving you money. The second allows you to change your line diameter in clear water conditions. The most effective leader material would be fluorocarbon. Fluorocarbon and steelhead fishing go hand in hand and is perfect for clear water situations due to its low light reflectivity and strength at small line diameters. Baits There are many types of bait that can be used to catch steelhead. Some of which are roe, worms, small crank baits, small marabou jigs, flies and even micro tubes. While I have caught steelies on all these baits, I would have to say that my winter bait of choice would have to be roe. The most important part of steelhead fishing hands down is matching bait to water conditions. When waters are high and dirty, a very large, very bright presentation is the only way to go. On the other hand"
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