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Everything posted by eyefish

  1. I'm in pickering I'l give you a shout tomorrow
  2. I'd be interested for sure drop me a line!
  3. shea weber..instead of mike green????...what were they thinking!@
  4. I'm curious as to how many people on this board took the time to fill out the MNR survey last year when this all came up. People that didn't take the time to fill out the survey shouldn't be complaining about the new regs. They had the chance to voice concerns when this was first brought up. I was talking to a guy from the MNR and he said only 100 surveys were filled out...which leaves 99 other people besides myself who actully took the time!
  5. let me know what you want and I'll do some more up for you!
  6. nice job mike..any of them there fish on the jigs you got from me????
  7. the cbaf has a chapter that meets in lindsay or there is also one in whitby
  8. 97-98 environmental pest management...long live the york!!!!!
  9. My brother just got back from there yesterday and he said he has never caught so many smallies...3 over 5 and lots in the 4 lb range
  10. Like mark said I've used it as well and didn't find any difference...The individual fibres of spider thread are in fact smaller in diamenter than power pro...so if my math is correct that would mean there would be more fibers in it than the same diameter of power pro....hence it would be stronger...no?
  11. I was up on simcoe today.and saw people catching some walleye in the beaver river..and keeping them...walleye is closed on the 14th of march up there and doesn't open again until may.. I have to say that I see this more and more these days...Really ticks me off!
  12. The reason why it would be different is because the person that is practising catch and release only never has in their possesion more than than the limit. WOW I'm with jigger learn something new everyday!
  13. I would like to know what everyones take is on this subject. An angler's daily possesion limit on the rivers is 2 fish right. If One of the board members witnessed an angler catch 2 fish and keep them both..(which is entirely legal and I have no problem with I guess). Would you expect this angler to leave the river with fish in tow, or would you be ok with watching this angler continue to catch fish after fish. I personally would expect this angler to leave and go home with his 2 fish. Any thoughts? Todd Crowley
  14. I would be one of the "snake oil" salesman that was at the show. I can assure you that this is completely different than spider wire.I'm sayin that not because I'm sponsored by them but because it is the truth
  15. I've fished caruthers for over 16 years..and have yet to catch a bow in it...bass,pike,suckers,carp, even cisco...but no bows. Lived on the creek for almost 20 years..I'm not sayin it doesn't get any bows but in the 16 years I've fished it..none for me!
  16. I had the problem as mike...what a nightmare
  17. I bought a skeeter last year from ohio..everythign went smoothly..pm me with questions
  18. to all that attend come stop by our booth..and say hi...I'll be working at tightlines again this year..and I'm pretty sure we'll have some depth raiders at least we did at the toronto show. Todd
  19. we've got all kinds at the tightline booth..stop by and see me. Todd
  20. tons of ice..last i was up there there was almost a foot and that was 2 weeks ago
  21. I've been fishing tournies for about 13 years..i never joined a club up until 2 years ago. I agree with what everyone has said great way to get into tourny fishing is to join a club. The club doesn't have to be a huge club. Or even one that is affiliated with a certain federation. There are many small clubs out there that have just as many experienced anglers in them. Some members even belong to a couple different clubs. I see your in oshawa. Check out the downtown bass club. We meet at iriquios park in the restaraunt there the 2nd monday of the month at 7:30. I wish I had have joined a club when I started fishing tournies. would have been a great way to get into tournies.
  22. yesterday morning was good..evening ho-hum. today was crap all day..we got 5 in the morning..and 2 this evening....S-L-O-W...lots of ice and tons of noise doesn't make it to good usually on the bog..this time of year normally have bewteen3-6 inches....theres like almost 10 out there now! and big pressure crack formed while we out there this morning
  23. 6lb trilene XT...been using it for over 20 years and never any issues
  24. I was there the day they found it...i was walking up from down below and to my surprise there were cops all around!!!
  25. Long live the Jig...fished on a 7 foot heavy shimano crucial!
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