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Everything posted by eyefish

  1. it was in as of 2 weeks ago
  2. In both cases the MNR was notified. And pictures were sent.
  3. FYI...while not abundant in Rice lake (yet) there are indeed pike in Rice lake..I myself have caught 2 in the last 4 years I've been fishing rice for about 15 years no pike before that though.
  4. Chris Johnston from the peterpatch is in 10th
  5. www.cbaf.ca clubs all over ontario tournies pretty much every weekend check into it
  6. thanks art thats what i have mine set at..but best to be sure!
  7. Out of curiousity what setting do you run when your chargeing...AGM, Gel, or regular flooded?
  8. Nothing wrong with a skeeter scotty..ours is 17.5 and has a 150yammy..top end 64mph...Give me a shout and i'll come along for the drive! Todd
  9. The booth with bas chasing the senko is a fellow from quebec... not sure of the name of the company, but the guy that runs it name is Claude...and he does have some awesome looking plastics! Bought some from him last year worked great!
  10. Tightlines in Pickering carries them as a matter of fact I remember taking them out of the box yesterday. If you don't get there by Saturday though they will be at the Spring fishing and boat show! Todd
  11. A buddy of mine Glen Pickering is also down there and sits in 9th..he got to fish with the day 1 leader and was more than happy to net all 35 lbs for him! Including both 8 pounders!!!
  12. yup no prob..pm me
  13. If anyone is looking for a very good ice rod may I suggest a new rod manufacturer called SIMAX rods. I was lucky enough to get a sponsorhip deal with them for this up coming year. I got my hands on some of their ice rods recently and all I can say is WOW. They retail for 30 bucks and come in 4 different actions. Med,Med/heavy,Med/light, and Light. I took them out with me on simcoe for a test run and amazing. They also have 3 different lines of spinning and casting rods also amazing. If youhave any questions drop me a line. Todd
  14. We kept the 15 incher on sunday because A friend of the family does taxidermy and he asked us if we caught a giant perch to keep it for him so thats the reason for that one. No pic of the 16 incher it was crazy out there yesterday and my battery gave way on the ole camera. Oh well they sure are going to taste wonderful thats for sure! And they were all caught in 75-80 feet of water
  15. yeah it is too bad..because the thing was huge!
  16. I don't post on here much but I have had the best 2 days of perch fishing of my life on SImcoe the last 2 times out. Sunday myself and 3 buddies ventured out on to Lady simcoe in Seach of some whitefish and lakers. Punched our first couple holes and the vex was lit up. I figured here we go. Turns out they were all perch. Normally I would have kept moving trying to find the target whities/lakers. Tough to move when your first fish is 14 inches, second being 13.5...so I say to myself forget the lakers lets just stay here. So I did. Long story short myself and 1 of my buddies stay and comtinue to pound on em for about 2 hours. I figure we caught between 70-120 perch with the biggest at 15 inches, and lots in the 12-15 inch range. Here is a Picture of the ones that I kept from Sunday the knife in this picture is 13 inches http://s41.photobucket.com/albums/e273/eyefish74/?action=view&current=IMG_0356.jpg Then came yesterday. This time my brother and I again ventured out, but went out with the intention of targeting the sam perch from Sunday. This time was even better. 100-120 perch with the biggest being 16 inches and a belly almost as big as mine. I would have put her close to 2 pounds. I would say numbers wise we caught more fish yesterday but the avg size was a lot smaller. To top it off my brother lost the biggest laker I have ever seen right at the hole. If I had to guess I would put it close to 20 pounds, this thing was massive. Ryan said that if he had got through the hole it was going on the wall. Here is a picture of our haul from yesterday and one of me holding up a couple. http://s41.photobucket.com/albums/e273/eyefish74/?action=view&current=Abigmessofjumbos.jpg http://s41.photobucket.com/albums/e273/eyefish74/?action=view&current=Abigmessofjumbos.jpg#!oZZ5QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs41.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fe273%2Feyefish74%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2bigjumbos.jpg We have a new sponsor for this year SIMAX they are a new rod manufacturer and have a couple lines of rods, both spinning and casting. As well as some new ice rods. We picked up our new rods on monday night and put them to the test yesterday. What can I say but they passed with flying colours. if anyone has any questions drop me a line! Hope you enjoyed Todd Crowley
  17. Its been a great couple weeks scotty..you've missed out!
  18. sounds like an o-ring went. Same thing happened to my 150 yammy this year. I got lucky and they crained the hydrolic pumps and cleaned them out. $1000 bucks later and it is working fine now. new trim motor and pumps $3500
  19. right on cudz thanks for the info~
  20. going up to penetangushine bay this weekend and good largie spots close by?
  21. seaguar red label..its just as good as the regular but half as expensive!
  22. I bought one down there 3 years ago..you need is a bill of sale for the boat a bill of sale for the motor and one for the trailer. You also need the titles to all some states don't have titles for trailers. Declare everything and you'll be fine!
  23. 47 and change I believe
  24. keep in mind all that way back when i used to fish for salmon out there I'm going back 15-20 yrs ago there was talk of the 50 pound mark being broke all the time...its good to see that the big-uns are coming back
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