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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Thx for sharing that. Time with the old man....priceless. Next weekend is our annual trip up to Orillia with my brother and father to molest Simcoe perch. Some colorful banter on the water and back at the hotel with a few pops and a good fish fry Saturday night. Wouldn't miss it for anything.
  2. Thx Dan...got a good chuckle out of that. Not into it myself...but a few co-workers are hard core. I thrill them with fishing stories Monday mornings...and they could care less.... and they thrill me with racing stories. Seems like a fair trade off I tilled up my vegetable garden this AM...but not to early as to upset the neighbors. Beauty day out there. I'm sure your time in the stand was enjoyed Brian.
  3. Are those buckets lockable? The reason I ask. When we used to do trips to the French we stayed at a Lodge with one big dock everyone tied up to. Go down in the morning and our minnow buckets hanging in the water would be empty. After a couple of years of blaming the other fishermen for stealing our minnows at night we found that the other "fisherman" was a mink/weasel. He could get in and out of the bucket no problem. Talking to other guests we got the "Yeah those little buggers stole my minnows forever until I got a lockable bucket. We all have them now. Something to consider if you plan on leaving your minnow bucket in the water overnight.
  4. Pens with no ink made me think... about something critically important I should pass on to parents with young kids, and I can't stress this enough. Sit down with them as often as you can when they are still young and MIGHT listen...and impress upon then how vitally important it is to change the roll of toilet paper when it is finished. Get the message across when they are still pottie training...it's your only hope.
  5. Thx for that Capt Bruce...got a good chuckle out of that :thumbsup_anim:
  6. Do you have a cat? Our old cat WAS the sock alien. Years of frustration blaming the kids and Debbe too... who does the laundry... for losing socks. Then we go to replace an old couch down stairs in the family room and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD we find the elephant graveyard of socks stuffed in under the couch where the cat used to sleep/hide alot. The upside....I got enough work socks now to last me until I retire
  7. I don't care how many cars you have in your driveway...fit em in with a shoehorn if you have to. My problem is when you park them all over the street. My neighbor directly across from me has 4 grown kids still at home and they all have cars... so 6 adults equals 6 vehicles PLUS him and his son's company work trucks make 8. AND there garage is so full of junk that they can't park in it. So usually 4-5 vehicles on the street ALL the time, and that's not even counting when they have company because all visitors park on the street as well. It can be a little frustrating getting the boat trailer in and out of the driveway sometimes Totally illegal for them to park on the street overnight in the winter because of our snow removal by-laws...but the rest of us are trying to be good neighbors and not complain....but it's getting harder and HARDER to keep quiet. I'm just patiently waiting for there kids to stop suckling at the teat and move out.
  8. Finally my friend. After listening to you chat about it all summer I was starting to think she was never gonna give up the dog. I'm sure it was a tough decision for her. Next spring when I'm up in Caygeon again maybe you can bring her over to Carp Point to sit and fish with us. I'm sure a Beagle could be trained to make an OUTSTANDING bite alarm
  9. I perch fish alot so I can be pretty selective. IMHO anything under 10 inches doesn't warrant keeping it because they just have very little meat. A 10 inch perch will have double the meat of a 8.5 inch perch. I also release anything over 12 inches. Some people feel the size matters with regards to taste. Personally I have never found this to be true. Like I said I get out alot. If you only have the chance to sneak out a couple of times by all means keep whatever you are comfortable keeping and enjoy the fish fry.
  10. My lawyer has advised that I am not to answer that question
  11. Beansie you know when I catch those ones they go back. But I never impose my standards on anyone else....especially if they give me salsa and pickles when they go out with me Now if we fished together every weekend and lots of these fish where being kept...that's a whole other story....more salsa would be required to keep me silent
  12. I'll be following this thread. 5 foot 7 so mine in that much more too long for me
  13. That's why I have a 2 stroke. Some of my fav spots I have to haul the boat and motor into because there is no launch, and the 4 stoke is much heavier. Your not going to spend much in a season on fuel for a 9.9 regardless if it is a 2 or a 4.
  14. The pleasure was all mine Bruce, Fishing perch with friends on a beautiful fall day is about as good as it gets for me. And thank you for the Salsa and pickles. I came home to the house smelling of homemade beef stew...which I gorged myself on ....so I haven't sampled any of your stuff yet. But if it is anything close to previous treasures you have given me...I don't imagine any of it will last until next weekend.
  15. Sounds and looks like a good day to me. It stopped being about how many fish I put in the boat years ago for me. Thx for sharing your day.
  16. Nice Kitty It looks like your fishing in chocolate milk.
  17. Yep... I agree 100%. If you think you will be happy plunking down a cube and not moving from that spot all day...by all means save some coin and get one. If you think you won't be happy unless you are more mobile do yourself a favor and get a flip style hut.
  18. Just jumped on here quick to check things out before heading out to molest some Simcoe perch. Thx Roy for the morning chuckle ...and thank you Brandon for the pics. Great way to start my day
  19. I think it was medium...had just a little bit of bite to it. I can't tolerate a lot of heat so whatever it was...it was perfect.
  20. Bruce is this year batch of salsa as good as last years. The jars you shared with me last fall where as good as any salsa I have had anywhere Anybody who has not tried it is missing out. I got the empty jars all ready to return to you on Sunday.
  21. First time I met Shane I got to Sibbald and the early ice was pretty sketchy..so I set up my fish trap in shallow and started fishing. Then I see this skinny guy with a spud doing the chip, step, chip step...and man he went a way out there...and there was VERY VERY little ice. It started to rain and I waved him over to my trap pro to sit inside and try to wait it out. We chatted a bit and then the rain slowed down and he got back at it. That evening he gave a report on the Simcoe board and used the chip, step...chip, chip, step in his post and to this day whenever I see someone doing the chip step to check the ice I think of Shane that morning at Sibbald. I can't think of a single soul who was more helpful to other fishermen then this man. A tragic loss for all of us who knew Shane or fished Simcoe. My heartfelt condolences to his many friends and family.
  22. Haven't watched an entire Leafs game since Palmateer played net for them. Don't see that changing anytime soon. Living in Oshawa I can go to a Generals games pretty easily...and I find the "O" hockey 100% more entertaining then regular season NHL games. For the true Blue fans though I would really like to see the Ownership try to put a good product on the ice. They can afford it and the loyal fans definitely deserve it.
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