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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Cliff you are wise man to try help him out. Today these things are common. But it's something that they tend to bring on themselves. And while they think it's a great thing but don't think of what will happen later in life.We all did things we want to forget but that kind of stuff tends to come with you. In our family we have never had the occasion, my four girls have a glass of wine (and it better be good) they don't smoke, happily married with children. But then we set the rules early and they followed them to T. Your post will probably help members that may want to venture that way and may think twice before they start. Althought it's a bad situation some good will come out by helping someone else.
  2. Cliff, all you have to do is ask and an army would show up to help you. You've done so much for so many, me included. Thanks again.
  3. Check out cardinalgolfclub.com they have good rates. Hwy 9 east of the 400
  4. Cliff, you are amazing! I learned my trade (typography) just the same way, on the job training, Nothing better if you ask me. I actually ended up hiring teachers that taught me! I'm still trying to push it but today kids think different, push a button and it happens! You have offered a great opportunity to some young person to jump at and take. The pay is better than a fast food restaurant and the benefits of being with you and outdoors can't be matched. I was willing to lean all I could and it paid off with never being out of work. I worked every shift they offered, sometime giving up things that I wanted to do! Keeping in touch with my teachers today is the best thing I could have ever imagined. Love talking to 85 years old men and fellow apprentices in their 60s. Hope you find a good one and when you do they should be honoured to be with you.
  5. Never been unemployed and paid taxes to ONTARIO and the FEDS since 1968. Never collected a red cent yet, somehow we should get a little something back, but that may not be the case with this elected government, with their spending patterns and money grabs. I can see kissing good bye the free family fishing week each summer. I can afford it but why give it to them to use for something else. I'm adopting a new kind of conservation, don't fish! rant over! BillM, wish I had a son with your ideas I get a CT card or a golf day:)
  6. Yes thank you Paul from me too! I think of you when I use those little screwdrivers
  7. My mom, bless her. When we lived at home she used vinegar for cleaning and desenfecting, The worst was when she would wash ciramic floors! We could never talk her out of it!
  8. Forgot to add, I have converted a fabric softener spray bottle and when I spraying my neighbour thinks I'm nuts and asks if it works lol
  9. I do what Lew does! It will also kill grass! The stuff that they sell is the same thing with fancy names and a picture on the sprayer of a dead weed.
  10. We may pay off the $21 billion debt we have in Ontario on just gas taxes we pay. The more we pay the more they get. Nothing looking after our own people.
  11. Going to my daughter's father in law, With my other kids. They a have pool and an outdoor gazebo as big as a small house with a built in woodbirning oven for pizza . . . Sort of a small family gathering for a day! Beats having them all (14) at my place every Sunday!
  12. Garrit YOU are so tight, we are backwards, Let's take care of our needs and THEN what ever is left sell that off. Just like the early farmers, keep what tou need and sell the rest for what you don't have.
  13. I've been asking myself a question for a long time now? How does a station pay for it's gas? DanD almost answered it but that was 12 years ago. Today prices fluctuate daily! Do they make a profit one day and lose it the next? Look at Lew's case 13 cents in an hour if he had his tanks full well. . . .
  14. And going up 2+ cents Toorrow and more to come they say.
  15. He'll light it and set himself on fire Good job Cliff, always helping people
  16. We remember them everyday for what we have. Thanks for posting.
  17. The original call of the wild. When I was in school our teacher used to read it to us a few pages a week. Could not wait until the next installment.. I love anything written about Ontario, places to visit . . . I'm in Ontario a tourism so it comes natural to want to know.
  18. And here I thought it was the BBQ exploding and the pig running loose in Barrie
  19. My usual drive at 8:05 or so was slow until I got to just west of Bayview. From what I could see see from the top of the hill was an animal on the road slowing down traffic, as I got closer and going west was York Region Officer in his cruiser, we met at the same time by the animal and it was a nice looking doe, we both went on our way and hopefully he made a report. Sorry to see an animal get killed and hopefully there is no fawn looking for mom tonight. On the drive home all was clear.
  20. The guys above are not wrong, good catch!
  21. What great idea, it will keep the family's cottage history alive. keep it safe. I had important note on my iPad and thought they were safe, wrong, changed Internet supplier and they were gone
  22. I have relatives that have property by Bon Echo. We used to use it for Wally opening . . I found a shed on a walk and took it home. After a while I figure this belonged back where I found it. I designed a wooden sign, (something you see ona golf course) with the family's last name, had it carved out and mounted the shed. They now use it has a hat rack as you walk in the door. Everyone is happy. me for the creative and they for the thought and use! Something rustic is always welcome. Cliff, no French for you lol
  23. Cliff, this gentleman has a good business plan, keep your clients happy and they will come back and refer more. I have a cousin who does Reno work and new projects, he built his business on references, hard to do, but honesty is the best way to go. met an honest small engine repair person just like you on the weekend good advice and the price was right.
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