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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. You know of the Blue Boat house? I guess on that lake everyone knows of the blue boathouse. Jeremy's rock (I used to catch bass there as a child) The bridge The point Carp marsh Seagull rock Perch powerup
  2. I'm bad at this OFC fishing derby thing. Landed a beauty Muskie yesterday and forgot to take a photo or measure it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. grizzlybri


      well it was already released I was going to tell him, and to be fair i did take a picture of him holding the fish

    3. Fisherpete


      Hahaha congrats on the muskie - how big was she?

    4. Fisherpete


      Let's see some pics!

  3. Wow! The bass were hot this weekend. The girlfriend outfished me again.

  4. The fish were determinded to prove Joeytier right. Sooooo many walleye!

  5. If I get upset that someone is breaking the law, poaching and potentially ruining the fishery so that my children and my children's children can't go fishing in the future I'd say I'm quite content with my priorities in life.
  6. Not worth making a topic for. Got a 'gummed' up fishing reel. Any tips to make it smooth?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. buick14


      Define gummed up

    3. Acountdeleted


      It slows at certain parts when I reel in.

    4. reelinrolly


      Boats Clean


      Gears Tied


      Trucks Fueled


      ......too bad I gotta work ....

  7. What happens if you vote out of season for Jean 'Smallmouth' Bass?
  8. ...... It is? Geez I gotta tempt you there with beer. I do ok with the Wally's but not near the numbers you speak of.
  9. Our lake has Bass, Walleye and Muskie. After Ice out I won't fish it until bass opener. Lots of other lakes without spawning fish in it. Call me old fashioned I guess. Spinner, oh if only I could. Porkie, I've gotten more people interested in fishing and the environment with 'those damn things' then anything else. Kids and people with a short attention span love catching fish. Get them hooked bringing in countless bass then teach them patience with other species.
  10. We're getting guys at my parents cottage flipping all sorts of stuff in 6 inches to 2 feet of water. I give them a fair warning. If they don't move, I go to the dock and start tossing muskie lures towards their boat.
  11. Bass doesn't open in the Kawarthas until the 14th correct?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      28th in 16.Have to keep reminding myself.Always think 3rd Sat for some reason.

    3. Acountdeleted


      Wow. You guys are right. I don't know how I confused myself. It used to be the last Saturday then they moved it up.

    4. BillM


      Yeah, they'd pretty much messed up all the FMZs now, lol

  12. Man! Looks like you had a blast. Pete knows his stuff for sure. Glad you had a great time.
  13. Scugog was a little rough today. Both in terms of weather and of fishing.

  14. Had a great day of Crappie fishing yesterday at a lake just outside of the city (Girlfriend outfished me again) now today debating a couple different lakes.
  15. Thanks to Pete for the rod and the fishing tip on Friday. Nabbed a couple slab crappie right off a few point dropoffs.

  16. I was hoping to go to Rice. Or the cottage. Depends on the weather. Its not looking good now.
  17. There are a lot of lakes I will never see again in Northwestern Ontario (fly in due to work). Kearns and Birch are two of the nicest I've ever been to. Bluffy in ear falls was nice too. As for Southern Ontario I SAY NOTHING!!!
  18. And now the third angle on this fantastic day of fishing. Arriving at the dock at 7am after a long drive (and somehow not getting lost) we were all ready to go. Brian ended up nabbing the first Cat....... I think actually he boated 2 before anyone else had 1, which made us start calling him the cat whisperer. Over the next hour or so I ended up boating 2. One good eater size and one that was a bullhead that really didn't look like a bullhead. Moving around to a couple of spots the action was consistent. I managed to boat this beauty before lunch. I think it weighed in at a little over 6 pounds but I'm going to lie and say it weighed 7. A good 26 inch fish. Moving around to a few more spots I was able to nab this beauty. Not as big as the first but it still put up a great fight. Man, do I ever love catching Cats. I think the fish must have heard me giving Brian a hard time about the Channel cat tiring him out because I was rewarded with a beautiful 11.5 pounder towards the end of the day. Brian and I both hit the gym quite regularly and these fish gave us a run for our money. They powerful shoulders on them are just unreal. Needless to say I was not prepared for just how much this thing was going to give me the run around. Gotta love the mouth on these beautiful fish. (I can't tell if I'm squinting or tired. As the driver for these expeditions I usually sneak a nap on the boat/ice half way through the day). All in all this was a fantastic day for fishing. I can't say enough good things about fisherpete for taking us out on a trip that I'll never forget. A class act all the way, taught us everything we needed to know, put us on his honey holes and even passed his rod over to us so we could land some trophy Channel cats. I was sending photos to a few buddies back home who were just in awe. They were so jealous they weren't there. Needless to say, if Pete puts another catfishing trip up next year, I'll be bidding hard on it. Does it ever feel good to be back on soft water in Ontario again.
  19. Best fishing day I have had in a long time. (And I have a lot of great fishing days). Kudos to fisherpete. A gentleman and the best guide one could ask for. Upcoming report.

  20. Oh man, always check the regs first. The CO's do and they will be more then happy to remind you of them and slap you with a hefty fine so that you remember as well. Welcome to the board. Some friends of mine and I are heading to Restoule in August. I've heard a lot of good things.
  21. There are crappie in all directions. http://www.web2.mnr.gov.on.ca/fish_online/fishing/fishingExplorer_en.html Check out Fish-online. (Above site). And give a quick search. Always fun to go exploring new lakes.
  22. After completing the 'Harry Spring run-off", Dynamic_Bear and I have come up with an idea for our own race. THE SALMON RUN! A 5k race up the Humber river (in the river) and 2 three foot walls that you have to get over without using your hands. All proceeds go to repairing the ecosystem that was destroyed during the run.

    1. misfish


      Oh to be YOUNG again. GL with that.LOL

    2. grizzlybri


      to be fair Jeremy we talked about it before the race and it was the Credit

    3. MJL


      Will spawning be involved at the end of the run? LOL

  23. I'm not even eyeing Detroit. The 8th spot and bumping Columbus out is our only hope. Whats rough is Columbus gets a game against Dallas where they start up 1-0 because of the game that had to be rescheduled. Talk about odds against the leafs. Dear god Ranger........ takes out Bernier, gets a 2 minute minor and did Boston score on that PP or was it shortly after? Was Ranger a spy hired by Muddler all along?!?!
  24. well..... didn't see that one coming. Wish the stupid Flyers had done their job.
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