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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. We've had some success at Frenchmans bay for bass from shore last July/August. Tommy Thompson park (leslie street spit) is good, in the cells and embayments (watch for red ants). And I've heard good things at Humber bay west of the Marina.
  2. Sadly the environmental programs at all levels have had funding cut drasticaly in the past few years. With the push on to trim the budgets and cut the defecits at all levels the first thing to go is often environmental funding (as they figure most people won't notice). Less jobs and less contracts means things like this happen due to the lack of man-power.
  3. At the cottage north east of Orillia fishing the rocky shoals with a worm. If I had the money or a trailer I'd consider Simcoe. Hear good things about that. If I really had the money I'd be at lake of the woods. Hear really good things about that.
  4. I can't seem to catch salmonids for the life of me (Trout, Salmon etc etc). I don't know why. They just don't like me.
  5. Frenchmans bay is your best bet for the boat launch. While you are there you need to for sure fish the bay. Largemouth Bass and Pike are a plenty and very large in there. Check the east side around the docks. (course only target bass after the last saturday in June)
  6. In terms of harbour fishing you can't go wrong with the Toronto islands. We always manage to pull lots of Bass, Pike, Bowfin and the occasional Walleye out of there. If you don't feel like going that far I know there is a killer weedbed in...... I wanna say the Bathurst slip. I can't remember the name but its the harbour to the west of the huge ship from Thunder Bay (its always there). Lastly, if you don't mind leaving the outer harbour, just slightly to the east is Tommy Tompson Park (or the Leslie street Spit to some of you) the pike fishing in the spring there is always good. Hope these keep you busy. Let me know how you do.
  7. Just found out that fish Ontario on the 400 is open at 4am on sunday. Thanks for all the help though if I end up getting to head out to Bellwood lake on monday.
  8. So, first full weekend I've had off since last September. I figure for sunday or monday I would love to fish Simcoe from sunrise to sunset, there is just one problem, I don't think there are any bait shops open at 6am and I worry that Emerald Shiners won't last 24 hours if I buy them they day before. Those of you that are early birds, what do you usually do? Or is sleeping in the best option?
  9. Whoops, thanks. I normally don't scroll past the classified.
  10. What are the names of the topics of the previous years fishing tourneys? I'd love to look over them and see what I'm in store for this year.
  11. Why dude why? That being said that lake looks nicer to skate on them most arena's I've been in.
  12. Actually I'm hoping you guys can help me a bit. Its been driving me nuts. When I make my batter I usually coat the fish in the carton egg mix and then toss it in the crushed chip batter. Problem is that the batter sticks better to itself then to the fish. Any advice on how to get it to stick to the fish better?
  13. I'm not sure how this works but it sounds like fun. I'd love to be in. As an asside can I post pictures of the fish we catch through electrofishing from my work? I kid I kid. No cheating here, only fish caught with hook and line.
  14. For the longest time I used to use pringles BBQ chips for batter. Last week the girlfriend requested Doritos sweet chili heat and it was dynamite. I don't know if I'll ever go back.
  15. I'll throw my 2 in from this weekend. Personally the first one is my fav but thats just because I know the story behind it. disclaimer on the second. No actual fish were harmed in the making of this photo (we even threw this one back)
  16. Thanks for the praise guys. I always worry whenever I tell friends, family, coworkers about a good fishing spot. Waiting for the first fish is always the worst. Before the job I'm doing now I used to work childcare and every summer I would take them dock fishing for perch and pumpkinseeds. Waiting for that first fish was always the worst because I knew if we didn't get anything in the first 10 to 15 minutes the kids would be miserable and give up. I told my buddy that we'd take his son (6 years old) to perchfest in Orillia this year, I know for a fact the first 15 minutes of that fishing trip will be a huge panic attack.
  17. So, after talking everyones ear off this week about how good the perch fishing was at Cooks bay I was able to talk a few buddies and my girlfriend into heading up there with me for the afternoon. We head out at about 11am and head off to Canadian Tire when the girlfriend realizes that she needs a fishing licence to do this legally. While her and my buddy are waiting in line I realize that I have my good rod and 2 lenders, seeing as how I told them I'd set everything up and outfit them I realize this means I'm using a paintstick in 20 feet of water if I don't make a last minute purchase. I run off to the fishing isle and come back with a HT Enteprise light combo, after buying it I tell the girlfriend that its hers if she wants to come out ice fishing more often (brownie points). So we head out and rent a hut from Terry Goy, really nice guy and great huts in about 20 feet of water, last week I was in 30 where I was having all my success but I figure 20 will be good. Now, the thing that everyone has to understand is that my close buddy who came with me on this trip, him and I are like cryptonite for each other. Normally we are decent casual fishermen on our own, when we combine together we usually have a terrible terrible time. We've spent days on Balsam lake, Rice lake, Tommy Thompson Park in Lake Ontario and a few other smaller lakes catching nothing but weeds and having the fish laugh at us, so we get a little nervous setting up shop. First 30 minutes the curse rings true, nothing. Not a hit, not a bite, nothing, this is around 12:30 and I'm starting to get nervous thinking this is going to be a long day and the girlfriend will never forgive me for this. Finally I start banging out a few small perch, normally I like catching fish but when I'm bringing up 3 or 4 dinks and no one else is catching anything I feel kinda gulity (as an asside it was my 2 buddies own fault, they decided to use full minnows on medium size spoons. The girlfriend on the other hand was having bad luck.) Finally things started turning around, everyone was hooking into tons of perch and having a great time. I told the girlfriend that I wanted her to see how cool the legend hookup was on my St.Croix rod so I let her use that and she started clobbering the perch (No surprise I had to use the HT the rest of the day as she wouldn't give my rod back). Finally, my 2 buddies gave in and realized I knew what I was talking about with perch (more so what everyone on this forum helped me with) after the switched to micro tubes everyone was pulling in crazy umbers of perch, I think we had 7 or 8 good eaters and 1 or two really nice ones that fell back in the hole before we could get them out. At 5pm Terry told us that we had to go, he was a good sport though and I was able to talk him into another 20 minutes. Surprisingly when the time was up my girlfriend didn't want to leave (I think she's a keeper) so we told Terry that we apreciated the ride out but we would fish our way in. We ended up landing a few more on our walk home, I think our grand total was somewhere in the high 60's with my girlfriend landing about 25 or so of em. The only 2 bad parts about the trip were getting back in there must have been a sandbar or a channel or something that was almost impossible to cross at the Simcoe road 89 boat launch, I almost fell in twice crossing it so we decided to cross over where the man made bridge was at the Gilford road boat launch.... much safer there. The only other bad thing was that my girlfriend took a spill on the way back in, bruised her knee up pretty bad and turned the 25 inch HT enteprise light into a 21 HT enteprise Medium.... still works though. Still in my opinion the best way to spend a sunday. My buddy's and my curse is finally broken (we hope) my girlfriend had a great time and can't wait to come out again and we were even able to bring home a few perch dinners. The girlfriends first fish of many through ice. First doubleheader of the day. Proof the curse is finally over. Ummm.... maybe you should wait till we fry it up first..... Who needs huts? We're not done fishing yet.
  18. Wow. What a bunch of honken walleye. Those are huuuge fish.
  19. Out of curiosity how has Island lake been? I've been meaning to go for weeks but cooks bay has repeatedly stolen my interest.
  20. Kinmount used to have the best fish and chips ever. I don't know what happened to the place though. Best place now is still on 5th Street and Lakeshore in downtown T.O.
  21. This might be the other one I forgot to mention. Is it right where highway 10 ends? Thats the one I'm thinking of called 'champ burger.' That place is amazing. Always stop there on the way to tobermory for summer camping.
  22. Mkiio's in Hearst Ontario. Best burger I've ever had in my life by far. #2 on my top burger spot is Gilligans in southwest Ontario (its a chain). Apache burger is right near my place but I've never been.... maybe I'll take the girlfriend this weekend.
  23. Man those are some real nice panfish. I know they don't put up much of a fight but thats a real nice dinner you got there.
  24. You could argue that the goal dissalowed by Lupal in the first should have been the game winner but there is no excuse for the lack of defensive play in the third period. When you are up 3 goals with 10 minutes left the game should be yours. I agree with the others who said that if the leafs make the playoffs it will be a quick exit. That type of play won't fly in the post season.
  25. Sweet, thanks for the info guys. I've had friends who have problems tieing lures on lines saying they have caught their limit in 45 minutes so I'm intrigued. But more info is always a good thing.
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