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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. I was planning on fishing up at the cottage this weekend but the plans got kyboshed due to rough weather. I'm still thinking of taking my kayak out sunday if the weather clears up as its calling for and wanted to try a new lake. Are Canal Lake or Dalrymple doable in a kayak or if the wind picks up am I going to be in a lot of trouble? Also if they are kinda dangerous can someone reccomend a smaller lake within 2 hours of Toronto?
  2. Guelph Lake is great. My cousin and I went fishing there at the begining of bass season and had 4 good size smallies in 2 hours. I think they even rent rowboats and kayaks on the lake.
  3. Its funny, when I was younger, and then again a few years ago I hooked into a walleye that was 25" and I'm content with that. Don't get me wrong, if I get one bigger I'll be pleased as punch, but bass and pike are the mosters that I would like to see. Also if my buddy who has a cottage on Quinte ever gets a boat I have a feeling a 30"+ walleye is in my future...... gotta get on talking him into that.
  4. I've been talking to a few people over the last couple of days and I realized that it seems like everyone who enjoys fishing has 'bucket list fish' or fish they have to catch sometime in their life. I was just curious what everyones here were. There are no restrictions to the list, I have some that have to be caught on specific equiptment to just different fish. A few of mine are. I want to catch a Longnose Gar and a Sturgeon I want to catch a trout or salmon (preferably trout) on my fly rod. Also preferably in a river. I want to catch a 15+ (preferably 20+) pound Northern Pike. I want to catch a 10+ pound largemouth bass. I want to catch a peacock bass. I want to catch a blue marlin. I want to catch a 5+ pound trout through the ice. My list is constantaly changing and updating, as it should for something like this, but my 2 main ones that I would love to accomplish are the Gar and the Sturgeon. What are everyone elses?
  5. Hamilton harbour can be a lot of fun right before bedtime. Take some worms and hula-poppers out there.
  6. I'd been fishing ever since I could walk. Until I went to college I was probably a pretty horrible fisherman but back then I didn't need to be a good fisherman to catch fish, my dad and I could tie on whatever and catch bass. Going to Fleming college I started learning about how to fish different techniques and find cover while learning about habitats and feeding habits of fish. The more and more work I did in the field the more people I met who were able to teach me things about fishing. Though 3 years in Thunder Bay spoiled me, I learned the finer points of fishing drop offs and jigging. This year I have made it my goal to fish at least once a week, when I do its usually 6-8 hours. Since bass season I have only had 2 weeks I have not been able to achive my goal.
  7. My bucket fish. I want to catch one of those so bad.
  8. Wouldn't that be a kick in the teeth if the season was canceled?
  9. Hear hear! Thats why the only derby I ever enter or ever will enter is fish for a cure..... and maybe fish for tyler.
  10. I'd never get pissed for catching 8.2 pounds of fish in a day..... I must just be odd though.
  11. Awesome event. My favourite obstacle course of the year so far. The distance, hills and obstacles were a legit challenge and the obstacles were fun and used all parts of your body. I attempted all obstacles and completed all except for the cliff hanger or hanging tough or whatever the rings were called. I made it half way accross before I lost momentum and fell. Favourite obstacle: Everest, the sense of comrodery and helping people get up it, plus the fact that I hit it on full sprint and felt like I was running sideways up the wall was such a rush. For that one and the berlin walls we helped a 320 pound guy get up it. He was so stoaked that he made it. Least Favourite: The two electric shock obstacles. Sure I was curious what it felt like, I've seriously never experianced pain like that, it was like random muscle convulsions. At the end I took an electric shock right to the spine. That being said, it was still a fun obstacle. All in all a great day.
  12. That run was intense. Greatest obstacle course I have done. Also the toughest.
  13. Early in the year I was able to get a lot of bass out of Hamilton Harbour with a hula popper just before sundown. I have a buddy who slays the bass out of the Grand River in Paris Ontario with just a white grub and another buddy of mine has done well with pike out of Mountsberg off of shore.
  14. I'm Saturday at 9am. The warrior dash and Spartan race were hard. This one is going to be murder. I can't wait.
  15. Fishing the French has been rough recently. I was at my uncles cottage for the long weekend and between the dozen of us that were fishing I think we brought in a few pike. It was frusterating because whenever we would snorkel our fishing locations we would see tons of large bass, they just wern't hitting. Might be the cold front we have been dealing with recently. Try spinnerbaits or white dropshot minnows. Thats all I can reccomend.
  16. So, once again my buddy invited me to his cottage the past weekend for a full day of dock fishing. Between fishing on Quinte and how good the fishing off his dock was I couldn't refuse. I am really starting to think around his dock is one of the better areas on the lake as several boats trolled by as the day progressed. Before I continue I have a quick question, when people troll by and cast at and under the dock that my buddy and I are fishing on do I have a right to be upset? I think I do as 1) I could have been hit by the casts. and 2) The guys with the boats can fish anywhere on the lake, we didn't have a boat so our fishing area radious was greatly decreased. Anyways, rant asside on to the positives. 16+ hours of fishing yielded probabally about 15 largemouth bass between the 2 of us, lots of good size perch and blue gill, but what really took up most of our time were 3 Longnose Gar that were patrolling his dock. No matter what we tried though we just couldn't get them to bite. It was cool to see them but my dream of catching one will have to wait for another day. A few highlight pics of the day. 2 and a half pounds for this guy. Look at the size of the gut on that bass, needless to say they've been eating well. The scale said this one is 3 pounds, the funny thing is I thought the first one looked bigger. My first Drum, after the first one broke my line after a long fight I was so happy to land this one. Nothing more satisfying then landing a 7 pound fish on 4 pound fluro with a lite ugly stick. And my fav pic of the weekend. The cover of Rapala bass fishing 2013 here I come. I'm starting to realize just how incredible the fishing is on Quinte (Oops, I wasn't supposed to share my hot spots right? Guess the cat is out of the bag). I can't wait to hopefully rent a boat some day and cover a little more water.
  17. These are probably ho hum for most of the OFC members but for me they will always stand out. When I was tree planting in Hearst on the first day and last day of the season I saw the Northern Lights. The first night it was like a living breathing mass, slowly expanding and contracting, the last night it was entirly stationary but looked like a race track that started miles off in the distance and hooked right above where we were. Another year of tree plant I saw the starting point of a rainbow which I had never seen before, saw an upside down rainbow once which was really cool. To be perfectly honest though the things that I most classify as "once in a lifetime" would be the sunsets on the lakes in North Western Ontario, Kenora, Dryden and the like on the fly in lakes. It was hard being at some of those and realizing I will probabally never be there again.
  18. Don't fish wolsley bay area. I fished there all weekend and didn't get much. When I did though I found white spinners and drop shot minnows was what worked best.
  19. I would have called crime stoppers. I can't stand stuff like that and people like that need to be punished. I usually like fishing by myself. The exception is a close buddy or my grandfather. This weekend I was fishing with my grandfather quite a bit out of the paddle boat and he was telling me stories of working on the railroad, becoming a postman and when he was a boy. I always enjoy those stories....... then my rod went for a swim and we almost sunk the boat due to the heavy rain...... Was still fun though.
  20. Awww.... I just realized you ment the 8th of September. I'll be about 15 minutes from Wolseley at my uncles cottage on the 6th of August.
  21. Can't be deeper then 10 feet. Most spots I can put my paddle down to the bottom.
  22. Thanks to Dan and Ryan for hosting a truly amazing event. I had a blast and was able to spend the entire day fishing with my cousin which is somthing I always love as he and I both have the same goofy sense of humor. Don't know why you hold the fish-a-thon on a lake with no fish though. I kid I kid. Seriously though, I'll be back next year, with hopefully more friends and family. Hats off to an awesome event.
  23. Best reel I've ever owned. Match that with a 5'6 Lite ugly stick and I have my go to combo. Highly reccomended here. Now I just picked up a Rapala R-type and am trying to decide between a 6' Browning Medalion or a 5'2 St. Croix..... legend i think it is. The cheapest St. Croix model. Both medium of course.
  24. Thats awesome, thanks guys. Dan, that just blew my mind. Hahaha.
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