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Everything posted by darsky

  1. I did hear that there WILL be a spinoff- BETTER CALL SAUL !!!
  2. I knew it about Hank. TV at its best right here.
  3. EHG wins it !
  4. May it go quickly for those on the 24 hr diet-even you too Roy ! 6 30 pm tomorrow can't come quicker. I usually cave around the 20 hr mark-ssshhhhh
  5. Subban held out at the beginning of last shortened season and all of its training camp. He settled,got a good 2 yr contract and started HUGE.
  6. classic squaretail
  7. I have not been this excited about a tv event since the final season of Lost. I predict Hank gets it.
  8. same with the St Lawrence near Lancaster or Ottawa R near Hawksbury
  9. darsky


    hate to be the devils advocate here but did you get back what you spent over the last year ? Some people spend many $$$$ on the big lottos.
  10. and if the MCO gave you the ticket and you did not pay it.......what then???
  11. Jaden=little Monique
  12. Wouldn't mind seeing some of TG's from Geary World
  13. I have to admit that I get hypnotized when watching them in my back yard. Seeing them pair up,gathering sticks and twigs,building nests in my cedar hedges. Every year-same thing.Maybe even same birds-who knows? The 2 doves got harrassed out by squirrels last year. I felt bad. Sometimes I try and help in a subtle way-but never touch them. Lots of activity today. Fishing soon........
  14. ..........................is the Canadians' rcord since getting beaten at home by the Maple Leafs 6-0 . I'll take that loss anytime if it means a streak like that. Just padding on those points !
  15. Supposed to snow here for 3 days starting tomorrow night. Spring in a few days. Ya right ! Just making up for last year I guess.
  16. ok-its not the 6-0 beating they took last time but this sure looks like even to me.
  17. I was vacationing in South East Asia over Christmas and noticed many people had these water proof holders for their cell/smart phones and tablets. They are plastic based products with velcro, water/rain resistant and not expensive. After returning home and doing a bit of homework including a visit to an Apple store-I see that there is nothing here that is comparable. They would be great for outdoor use-in the rain,by the pool or in a boat. I am looking to maybe import and sell them here. Any opinions?
  18. did ya have to punch it in the nose so hard???
  19. A new coach...... Some hot new rookies..... Subban with a 2 year contract.... With tonite 10-4-1...... A great player mesh........ things are going good in this shortened season.
  20. Roy,Jocelyn at Angling O just loves these types of questions. Call him but be prepared for a barrage of info.
  21. darsky


    ahem,10 cm here.LOL
  22. what about the hunger pains-do you get them? They are very hard to ignore.
  23. my guess is Mike's getting a chuckle at this thread.
  24. so cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=s5cxpRRmCg8
  25. cast bd's
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