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Everything posted by darsky

  1. It's been only 2 years since the law was implemented and the difference in accident #'s have been staggering. That's good enough for me. Quebec implemented the " no holding the cell phone in the car " law and Ontario followed suit. Just wait-it'll come.
  2. In La Belle Province its the law that you must have installed winters by Dec 15. I squeeked em on today with a sucky forecast. Many call this law a bigtime money grab for the tire industry and others. I for one think the opposite. Winter tires mean less accidents-which means less insurance claims which could lower premiums. I drive better with winters and have more confidence.I think there is no such law in Ontario although maybe there should be one.
  3. "with yet another 49 and change inch muskie from this fall." Is Seul full of 49 and changers ? Frabill came out with a Stowmaster copy this year. Don't know the price tho'. Like Irish I bought my Stowmaster at JB's and I got 15% off for being with Muskies Canada
  4. unfortunately not for this little girl http://www.vancouversun.com/health/Santa+letter+confusion+continues+Canada+Post+reject+request+from+Ottawa+first+grader/7656116/story.html
  5. All possible. However, I personally have been on smallies from June to late Nov for many years now and I see these markings on St Lawrence bass EVERY late Fall and I have no memories of this occurance during warm water periods. Leads me to form a cold water conclusion.
  6. I get bass like that every late fall. Its a cold water thing
  7. love the frisbee shot
  8. ain't no csi but both facial expressions show heavy strain. I held out a 45lber once and after a few seconds it becomes not easy fast.Was it a local fish for you?
  9. I see you suffer ( like me ) from flat head toenail. Damn you sharp points !
  10. Utah is so overlooked.Pike bass big lake trout
  11. spam LOL
  12. that one may be going 58-60
  13. can these be downloaded to mmc card or just available for print screen?
  14. Lew-I sell these. What are CTC asking ? link to product http://amgmedical.com/site/our_products_results.asp?trouv1=735-170
  15. After 2 seasons of draining milky oil I brought the boat in for a change of seal kit and its been draining dark used oil color ever since.No it won't cause a problem unless the lower unit has too much water in it and it freezes over the winter,expands and cracks it open.
  16. I don't want to die out fishing in my boat. Not good. Would upset a few people.
  17. " I was out a few weeks ago with wind gusts to 35 mph and felt completely safe." Just curious-were you out fishing on L ST Francis on this particular day? Do you know that you can die out on Francis ? I know someone personally who fishes that lake out of a 21.5 ft RANGER and will not think about making the run from Vallyfield to Lancaster or anywhere west of that under the conditions that you brag about going out in. You must be Superman in a boat.Not the first time I have heard this.
  18. no Roy-not registered and not interested.
  19. overcast,showers,and high winds and that's the better news. Day 2 will be rain,higher winds AND cold front. Me thinks fish will be deep and weights will be low. I can't imagine doing the long run west against the 35+ kph wind and waves.Looking forward to today's results.
  20. Mike-one can tell from your reports over the last 2 seasons that LSC is definitely on a momentum swing. Great for you and whoever fishes there.
  21. Great fish and that musky is over 42- fer sher !!
  22. They are being liquidated at basspro.com in clearance. Solid and bulletproof reels for the serious and non-serious musky angler
  23. Apsley / Chandos area. RRRRRRRRRRRRRreal nice up there !
  24. Hi Paul-I fish the lake regularly as I am a 4 min drive from it.Trust & believe me when I say that you DO NOT need to fish those depths to catch the eye's
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