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blue pickeral

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Everything posted by blue pickeral

  1. Sat three and a half hours in broken down truck in a blizzard. OPP stopped eventually. With a pay as you go cell, could have got CAA in 2 minutes. Now pay $60 per year ($15 every 3 months to keep account open) pay as you go for emergency only cell phone use. Has come in handy for 2 family emergencies.
  2. If you go to the ACE600 part of dootalk,there is a guy there just outside Whitehorse, Yukon, with an ACE600 Tundra I think. He could probably give you good advice. My own sled is a Renegade ACE600, used one season with no problems in any area. Good luck with what you decide!
  3. Can't speak for Arctic Cat, but Go to dootalk.com http://www.dootalk.com/forums/ and get a few opinions on the BRP utility models with the 600 ACE 4 stroke motor. Excellent on fuel, little mainteanance and good cold starting.
  4. Mountain Equipment Coop sells it. Also has the product for down filled coats. If cleaning a down filled coat, a tennis ball or hackey sack put in the dryer with the coat fluffs up the feathers.
  5. It seems to me that at some point many of the provincial parks were privately operated under government contract. Could not the municipalities affected here run the parks themselves the same way? The region's MPP's, largely NDP, should have been on to this long ago and warned the communities that this would happen as was alluded to in the news article. The same people keep getting elected, seem to be good at noise making and whining, but when push comes to shove, the north keeps getting shafted - the latest being the closure of the railway. Both NDP politicians made sure they got their free last ride on this one.
  6. In the works for the future....the new Mantracker lasts a couple of seasons before the shine wears off and the producers introduce a new female tracker. Terry and the new male tracker then have a round robin "tracker off" series to determine who hooks up with the female tracker. The show abruptly loses most of its viewership, as anyone who has watched any amount of television knows, whenever personal relationships surface in a television series, it is the death knell for that program.
  7. If you go over to the automotive section of Red Flag Deals, there is a specific thread where people post dash cam videos. Lately, a driver nicknamed Ragu was busted for insurance fraud due to someone's use of a dash cam. Seems Ragu had disconnected his tail and brake lights, backed into the car behind him during a stall in traffic, and then accused this driver of having hit him from behind. Bad day for Ragu as his victim had a dash cam recording which proved otherwise. The dash cam footage was posted to the internet, Ragu became the poster boy for vehicle insurance fraud and was then charged with 3 or 4 offences. The person posting the video was not charged with anything.
  8. Go to the Triton trailer site and look up their XT single snowmobile trailers. Add a stake package, build some wooden sides and back out of PT 2x4 and PT fenceboard, and you have a nice, light weight trailer that will carry loads up to 10 feet long. Before buying any trailer from CT or HD, go to their parts departments (? for HD) and ask for replacement bearings. You will get the same stunned look from the counter person when you really need a spare hub or new bearings. One CT guy tried to sell me a hub assembly which lacked an inner grease seal- when I didn't take it, he just put it back on the shelf.
  9. try here for some ideas: http://www.firgelliauto.com/
  10. It is a ship. A boat is a submarine.
  11. Trying to separate kids from their electronics these days is like trying to pull a new calf off its mother's teat. So make it work for you. Use GPS and send them on one of those cache finding exercises or get them to set up one for each other. Set up some kind of prize they get if they can find it. Use the storage capabilities of the smart phones etc. to get an animal/bird identifier app (or an electronic version of a book) and head out to find and catalogue. Load up a couple of simple recipes for the campfire and have them try them out - bannock for example. Quite a few resources on building simple Visual Basic programs are available and a compiler for these can be found free or inexpensively on the internet. (search MS Control Creation edition)It is a lot easier than it sounds,doesn't need a lot of PC power and good for kids to create things. Don't use much of the electronics myself, so maybe some of the digitaled in people here can come up with a few more ideas.
  12. Not to take anything away from the Green Egg masterpiece, but if you want to try a good recipe in a regular oven, travel here: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/pulled-pork-sandwiches-recipe/index.html It is from one of Guy Fiori's "Guy's Big Bite" shows - I have done this recipe twice (takes about 12 hours) and cooked baked beans at the same time (roughly same oven temperature) and the results have been excellent. Includes your rub recipe, mop sauce recipe, coleslaw recipe etc. Just an aside - those Bush's beans were on sale at Walmart so got a small tin as some folks have raved about them here - figured how bad could they be. To them I say, learn a good home made bean recipe. Bush's are not even as good as the Libby's used to be before a large company bought them out.
  13. As for the Lund Renegade, it has proved impossible to find one to look at in Ontario or at any boat show. Not enough options I guess for the dealers to make any money on. Looks like a trip to the U.S. if this is what you are looking for. There is a Kemp Aluminum welded boat built in Pointe aux Barile by the Ironworker - looks like a sturdy workmanlike boat. Do a google search, as for me, their web site keeps crashing my browser.
  14. TV Ontario dropped its Over the Air (OTA) broadcasting on July 31. As such, there will be no OTA broadcasting - analog or digital - for TVO of any kind. The tax payer funded organization, which is supposed to be available to all Ontarians, is telling its viewers "get a dish or buy cable". TVO had plenty of lead time to deal with the analog spectrum of TV signals disappearing, and maybe respond in an imaginative or the intelligent way in which they like to portray themselves. Yet they just decided to hunker down in their Yonge St. Toronto offices and tell their viewers to spend more money. I watch TV on an antenna. If I can't watch it, I'm not paying for it. Maybe TVO has outlived any usefulness it once had and should be dismantled. Remember this during their next fund raising drive - if you are able to see it!
  15. Keep an eye out for any movement of goods in your building - i.e. visitors carrying away stuff they bought. Stands a good chance that the break in and theft was an "inside" job by someone who lives there.
  16. Kick the sign over and throw it away. Wait a couple of days. If the sign is put up again, stay out. Otherwise, go up the creek.
  17. If you have to re - do it for some reason, consider using a couple of stainless steel bolts instead of screws. You have your holes made already, pass the bolts through the hull and use a stainless nut to secure. Seal around the nut. Counter sink your plastic plate at the fastening holes. Slide on over the bolts/hull nuts and then use two more nuts to hold on the plastic plate. Some sealant can be used between the plastic plate and the hull at this point.
  18. Mr. Sticky's Polybinder will hold the plate to the transom. It worked well for me without putting holes in the hull. Eventually I did put 2 bolts through once I was sure where everything went. Some expert on here says you can't glue starboard or like material but mine worked fine with the polybinder. There are 2 versions of the 3m marine 5200 - one is the quick cure - takes 2 days. The quick cure is recommended for your use.
  19. That's how these things always start.... Next step...make demands, usually involving government money.
  20. And there's the thing.....the system being open and maintained provides the aspiration to access and the opportunity of using it for everyone. If allowed to deteriorate and close, nobody gets to use it. I feel what everyone else is saying about government wastage...my major pet peeve is all these people that get caught with their hands in the cookie jar, such as the woman previously running Ontario Hydro. You hear of them resigning, but never any charges or punishment. Too embarrasing for governments I guess.
  21. Look into the French River Trading post - had some maps there last year. BUT not sure about whether they provide nav information or not. Floating logs - deadheads - can also be a hazard.
  22. In actual fact, yes they did. Many of the lakes/waterways on the system would not exist without the construction of the canal system. And without constant maintenance, they will eventually fail. With the sales of lock passes down and many of the waterway features needing expensive dredging and repair, new means of revenue must be found. Can't see how an extra $20-$30 per cottage is going to 'break' people into bankruptcy. Trying to collect all the fees is going to be the challenge though. Maybe you need a sticker such as required for a seasonal permit to a provincial park or a radio frequency device that can be read.
  23. Too bad about Watson. Why not just patch all over the place - even where it doesn't need it. Will make the canoe look mean - kinda what they did to the team bus in the movie "Slap Shot". another idea - once you've got the fiberglass patching done, maybe one of those vinyl 'wraps' might work over the canoe? Certainly would be unique.
  24. Duck Rock is open. You could try Angler's Atlas for a free map once you've signed up: http://www.anglersatlas.com/mapsearch/googlemap/ON/
  25. Long ago, I had a Watson that also suffered some damage. Took it back to the manufacturer and they fixed it inexpensively so that it looked brand new. Not sure if they are still in business, (can't even remember where they're located) but having the original mold for the canoe makes for a better job.
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