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Everything posted by Fishnfiend

  1. I would recommend a Tundra to anyone without hesitation. I used to be domestically loyal, constantly hearing about how good/reliable toyotas are/were. Now, I am a believer. For all those that may complain about supporting domestics, do some research as to where they are built.
  2. Awesome. Being there, one wouldn't know whether to reach for T.P or their bow...
  3. Tony, I have one. You saw it when we fished Bronte last fall. I absolutely love it. It kicks donkey off road, too. I expect to get about 500,000 kms out of it.
  4. ROTFLMAO @ Doug
  5. I am against protesting, but don't know how to show it...
  6. np. I had to ask.
  7. Didn't know that about foot oils. Do any of the 'treated' carpets stand (unintentional punn) up any better to them?
  8. Well said.
  9. Wow, relax Lew. You can freely state your opinion as I can share mine. I didn't see any pictures of the guy in cuffs, so I guess what he did was legal... When was the last time a musky fisherman ate a musky? Sure, there's no catch and release in hunting, but there is also a certain amount of mortality in released fish. Do you follow? My $0.02 Come on softwater season. This snow and ice is making me crusty. Bottom line - That's is one awesome animal. I'd love to have that mounted for my den!
  10. you selling your 30 cheap?
  11. I agree troutologist. Too many people are quick to jump on the beautiful creature/nasty human bandwagon. Then go out and purposely hook fish, only to let 'em go with an extra hole or two in their face... Let's get the real story on why that animal was harvested before we get on our soapboxes, folks.
  12. I hear ya. What kind of pinhead does that anyway? Nothing more irritating than that. Actually, the snowblower isn't as bad as the morons that just push piles of snow out into the road. Is it even legal to do that? Now, give me the chance to rip across THAT guys front lawn...
  13. With a stocked fridge!
  14. Tony, any time you head up into the wild north it is recommended that you take additional cans. I would recommend at least 1/2 of your vehicles capacity at a minimum. For example, I take 2 5 gal cans in addition to filling up at a station up there. My truck holds 100 litres, but if you get stranded and need to run your engine for heat, running out of gas could be life threatening. If you are worried about space, take some whisky in place of beer (another bonus is that it doesn't freeze.
  15. Thanks for the report & pics. Glad to hear of your success. How thick is the ice?
  16. Nice job! I bet it has some weight to it...
  17. My bad. Some of us can only devote 80% of our time to OFC.
  18. Convince a buddy that you need a lesson on how to do it properly. Boost his ego and give him a beer. Then, find another gullible person next time you have 50 perch to clean...
  19. So, you get a disease that returns weekly Wayne? Go see a doctor. Roy, if you want to stare at Chuck's crotch, please keep it to yourself. I know, I know, that's just how tall you are...
  20. Wanna kick butt like Chuck, but your jeans (other than DNA - that's Genes BTW) restrict you? Check this out: Chuck Norris strikes again
  21. Nothing worse than trying to fillet perch that are too small. A total P.I.T.A. Set a minimum size (say 9") and stick with it.
  22. That was great! But, now you got me itchin' for the end of May when I head up towards Timmins with the old man and a buddy for 5 days of camping and fishing.
  23. Check your PM
  24. Here's the man who got me 'hooked' on fishing (my dad): The pic is from opening day of bass season '06. Every year we enter the bass tourney and whether or not we catch fish doesn't really matter. We always have fun and enjoy the day together. Actually, he just retired last Friday and I am moving my parents to their cottage this weekend. I am envious of him being able to fish every day and happy that he finally got to retire.
  25. Nobody ever said they were smart....
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