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Everything posted by blaque

  1. My sentiments exactly Lew.......Ill never comprehend it. I think it compares to the middle aged guy who buys the Hummer or the Corvette just to "prove himself" to society or make up for other "shortcomings"
  2. Shoot, you guys help sell out some of our (sabres) games down here ............your supportin a double market. Just make the Sabres your team as well and it'll be a little easier to swallow lol. Its just a little imaginary line between you and HSBC arena lol!!
  3. way down here in Olcott NY. Just had a 5 minute whip of flurries, and thats it, looks like its gonna be all rain here by the time the precip settles over us. At least according to the doppler pattern.
  4. Buffalo got rid of Marty Biron for a second round pick and traded a 5th round for Ty Conklin?? lol. THen they snapped up Zubrus from washington last minute for Novotny and a 1st rounder. Nothing too exciting, but glad they made a last second move, for a while there it looked like they offed Marty and that was it.
  5. Judgement days a' comin soon folks! Seriously though, ya have to look to the media for alot of this deterioration. Look at the evolution of the music industry. Back in the day, it was parents appauled at Elvis gyrating his hips, thats the worst the youth had to emulate lol. Now every video on MTV is just full of guys worryin about their 22" wheels , how shiny the paint is on their ride, and the girls are pretty much naked lookin for the guy with the "most banginest" ride and whos got the most "ice" on his neck. Every song i hear on the pop stations has to do with gettin yours, and pretty much straight up sex, image, looks, and money. Man i could go on with this topic literally for weeks on end lol. I gotta end it though or Ill have gone thru my day here at work without getting a thing done lol.
  6. Caught James Hetfields pick at the "And Justice for All" tour at the Aud in Buffalo (think it was the Aud lol)Not much of a brush, but thats the closest Ive come to one on one with Fame. I saw John Stamos at the Buffalo airport years ago (full house, Uncle Jesse) but again no direct "brush" My dad has one though, and this is goin back about 15 years also. He actually drove the shuttle part time at the old Buffalo airport and believe it or not, ....Heather Locklear and her body guards hopped on and she talked to my dad a bit, it was late and they were the only ones ridin......and he said he wish he had a pen and something to write on for an autograph, and then she laid one right on his cheek and said......"That will have to do" and laughed, and off the shuttle she went. Hes funny, he still tells that one to this day lol.
  7. Sorry Guys, How soon Mr. Murray forgets lol Watch the link for those of you who havent seen this, it sheds some light on Bryan Murrays' Halo......not only does he dispatch goon like mentality, but he singles out goaltenders lol.
  8. Bang On Walleye
  9. Sorry guys, but its hilarious how people will double standardize things. Everyone knows that if you took the exact same situation, and switched jerseys.........(drury is now alfredson, and neil is now mair) and alfredson is laying on teh ice bleeding, etc......you wouldnt for a second look down on Murray for sending a message to a team about blind siding your star captain with complete intent to remove him from the game. I dont agree with some of what panned out , but I support Ruffs decision "in general". Theres alot of national talk about their support for what Buffalo did, and alot of people within the league that think Neil put on a "legal" hit but it was as disrespectful and cowardly as can be. Oh and im sure many of you have heard of Murrays decision to send out one of his goons in Aneheim to delilberately go out and head hunt the opposing teams goalie and attack him in his own crease? THis issue will get beat to death for the next few months, and its kind of a mute point, everyone in Buffalo will die calling Neil a cheap lowdown scumbag, and Ottowa will always view Lindy as coach of the year last year and All Star coach this year, ohp, Im sorry......lol, i mean "as a goon dispatcher"
  10. I hear ya fish for fun, i got a nephew that im real close playin Mite Hockey and its a tough call when im watchin a game with him and have to pretend Im not all fired up and lovin a scene like last night in Buffalo LOL!! I just tell him when he grows up and makes it in the league, to emulate guys like Briere who are sitting on the bench watching the fisticuffs lol. Seriously though, i totally get your point of view, its funny what we as adults are allowed to enjoy, but would never want our kids (or nephews) taking part in or rooting for. I dont think youll see much tomorrow night either. I think the coaches have calmed down and will probably instruct to walk away and try and draw stupid penalties to win the game. I also bet Drury is out of the line-up for saturday wether hes able to go or not, just to enhance the possibility of the League punishing Neil. (and im not sayin hes not hurt by the way)
  11. Want an honest opinion from a Diehard Sabres fan? The hit, Ruff was ridiculous to say that it was an elbow......Ill admit that. But like some feel in this thread, it didnt matter wether he elbowed or not.........that wasnt the issue i had with the hit at all......it was the fact (and ive watched the replay several times) that Neil saw drury shoot the puck, and as the puck left the stick, he changed direction and headed directly for Drury, and as someone said "Blindsided" him. Knowing he was in a vulnerable , defenseless position. Thats as cheap as it gets. Alot are saying......no elbow and Drury didnt even get injured by neil, he hit his head on the ice. LOL.........YEAH, because NEIL put him on the ice.?!?!?! Sorry, i have no remorse for a hit from the side of a player, behind, anywhere where a player is unable to defend himself or avoid the hit. And yes, that includes open ice hits when a guys heads down. And yes that includes the Campbell Umberger hit. (just to show im not one for double standards lol) Yeah they are legal hits, but , i dunno, lets use the word disrespectful. Its disrespectful to try and end someones career who spent there whole lives trying to make it into this league. Anyway, Im tangenting. The hit was classless, i lbelieve that term was used many times in this thread to describe Buffalos actions......or at least Ruff...but lest we forget that it all started from an Ottowa player hitting a star forward in a cheap fashion. I dunno, ill give ottowa the fact that it wasnt an elbow, and I will also say that id rather see someone find neil the next shift and take care of him personally instead of going eye for an eye with the wingers . But i will also say that i LOVE a good brawl on the ice LOL!!! Ill also ay that i thought Peters move was assanine grabbing a goaltender like that, clearly Emery didnt want anything to do with pummeling Biron. Hes done some stupid things. The golf swing on the ice last year during the playoffs aimed at the losing opponent was amongst one of his stupider moves lol.
  12. Never thought slayer would make me feel old, but seeing Tommy wielding the Mic with his grey locks flowing really puts things in perspective LOL!! There still goin strong which is a real testament (hey another great band) to their "keepin it real"
  13. No such thing as to much snow! Love It!
  14. Thats one of those big ole' brazilian peacock bass!
  15. Ill be honest, I havent a clue about any of this, wouldnt know what to do, (dont get the seatbelt thing) I will def. be tracking this thread though just in case lol
  16. The article forgot to mention the 99' no goal call against the Sabres!! LOL!! Sorry, something Ill never forget. Everyone in the room looking at each other like, is this for real.....No.....the refs will get together and call no goal......SOMEONE will get in touch with SOMEONE and tell them to get back at center ice and drop the puck again. Like i literally just sat back knowing it wasnt a goal. It set in about 6 months later lol. Myself and many others went to the NHL awards that year at the Air Canada Centre and Boo'ed the man the best we could. As far as the all-star game. I have to say that it lacks any emotion to become at all marketable. The All-Star game was slightly better than the Young Stars game in that respect. The YS game was just embarrasing.........all i thought of while watching it, was.......how in Gods name would someone whos just tuned in to their first YS game react to this. And honestly......if it were me, Id change the channel lol. Its almost like watching the WWF lol (fake). Defensemen letting forwards go by them cuz they dont want to wrinkle their uniforms, ugh, it was just ridiculous. The All Star game was a little better, but i dunno.....play the freakin game man. Whats the point of even picking defensive all stars, they cant play anyway. Their out there on pins and needles just pretty much exercising and getting a skate in. The goals arent even called with any enthusiasm. The players score and just look at each other, and barely crack a smile, cuz they know its a pointless goal. I dunno, i say play the game man..........just like any other game in teh season. Do you need to take someones head off, no.........but you can certainly play an entertaining game of hockey wilthout killing each other. The Skills comp. YAWN! The fastest skater competition didnt even have a working laser timer. They had to bring a guy over with a stop watch LOL!! Ill stop there.
  17. Anyone been watching the "History of Rock n' Roll" week on VH1. Its pretty entertaining.
  18. Theres no "I" in team, but there is an "M" and an "E"
  19. You got it Rich! Try listening to a pop radio station nowadays (rock/metal format) and finding a guitar solo to listen to. Ive been listening to metal since about the mid 80's and Im now 36 and wont put it down. The talent out there nowadays is amazing (with the right groups).......try some of the more melodic metal bands i.e. Killswitch Engage, or All That Remains.......for starters. ATR's "This Darkened Heart" release is the best of their work. Anything Killswitch is amazing, and i mean talented. Metal gets a bad rap for just being niose. But the talent these guys have for musical arrangements, balancing brilliant melodic riffs with powerful vocals, and just plain goosebump raising guitars and drums.....its just ridiculous. (install a subwoofer in your vehicle for the full effect ) KSE has been stuck in my CD player for a long time now. Good listening.
  20. THanks for the response guys... As soon as some more of my supplies come in, Ill be a tyin' maniac. Cheers
  21. O.k. Guys, just wanted to verify that this is the correct way to snell a worm rig before i start my tying frenzy lol. I used red hooks and chartreuse line for this sample just so the knot was more visible. One more question, what pound flouro should i use in general to tie up my harnesses and what should i end up with hook to hook. Im starting with 3" but if theres any suggestions why i might go smaller or larger feel free to explain. Thanks guys.
  22. Sorry Dust, With each commercial i think i can actually see his head growing in diameter. lol.........Sorry, but all Im sayin.......is play the sport. I cant stand when athletes think their actors. Damn OJ Simpson for starting all this!! lol
  23. yEp Cisco, the man made island is called "Palms of Dubai". To see the building of the land mass itself is incredible. Wouldnt catch me buying property on a man made island sticking its neck out into one of mother natures oceans lol.
  24. Great, now we'll get to see Manning in about 12 MORE commercials (sarcasm).......that guy LOVES to see himself on TV. C'mon Canada........back Da Bears!!! If for no other reason than, they are closer to you than Indy!! LOL!
  25. That'll do Raf thanks
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