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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Glittery Polkadotted Float Pills Mmmmm Mmm
  2. Well maybe, ..... when some of you river gurus got together you could show a little canadian hospitality..... and hold a "bring a yank fishing" day, I'd get up there more often
  3. I dont have a computer up there lol........i live down here haha
  4. Yeah, youd have to include russia in that circle as well. I mean.........I watched the boys in red last night and C'mon........ Ovechkin Malkyn Kovalchuk Semin Datsyuk (spellcheck lol) Federov..........as a side note, they quoted him as saying "he doesnt miss the NHL......only the friends he made while playing there". I dunno what that means, but its a strange comment for sure. I have to say that I get more of an olympic feel watching the Womens Hockey games as thats what i think the olympics should be more about. You can sense the excitement and can feel that this is a dream situation to them...........you know what im saying. Oh and here is Shaun Whites personal mountain halfpipe built for him by Red Bull He is to snowboarding what Tony Hawk was and is to skateboarding. Im on the fence with all this. I mean on one hand........its ludicrous but on the same token, hes a good guy and good for him i guess.
  5. I gave it a shot........lol, had to try, but yeah,........no dice. Thanks though
  6. thanks guys, no luck however
  7. Anyone know if you can watch the Olympics online? Im in the states btw. I tried nbcolympics.com and it says watch live now.........but takes me to nowhere lol
  8. Im confused as to your side? Are you saying you agree with having a law for transporting or disagree? "Why do they have to argue a law like that"? Argue for? or argue against? Im confused
  9. When cooking for company, and i experience this type of individual............i make sure i buy them hamburger for their next visit. Its sacrilege. Not to mention always screws up the timing of the other steaks
  10. A very unfortunate answer..........but YES. Not that a law is even abided by by the folks who need the law in the first place.
  11. He drove 2 hours to look at TJ?
  12. agreed, i can only read these for so long until i see "You Guys" and "Your President" like we make the decision to leave a waterway open or play cards with him on friday nights and have some influence on decisions that are made once in office. I know for a fact that I myself do NOT have companies boycotting Alberta oil because its bad for the environment...Seriously......I really dont......swear
  13. $300 bucks or not.........ya take that dog in to be put down softly and humanely while your holding his/her paw for their last moments as a last gesture of comfort for the animal. Not standing a foot away from them with your finger on a trigger. If moneys an issue because you just dont feel like spending $300 psssshh........if moneys an issue because its just not there.....borrow , beg, or steal.
  14. And whatever you do, stay away from Mike Tysons house
  15. AHA!......so its not just us "U.S. Americans" that have a gun fetish
  16. WOW, too young. He was quite a character. RIP
  17. waaaaaiiiit for iiiiiiiit. waaaaaaaiiiiiiiiittt fooooor iiiiiiiiiit!
  18. I dont think theres any berkely rep's. here? Your rant will fall to the floor unused..........but by all means GIVE ER'!
  19. Your so money and you dont even know it
  20. Bassdreamer wins........off by a field goal
  21. i took pleasure in seeing manning throw that pick.........maybe a few less commercials ill have to endure in the future.
  22. Youch!
  23. Glad i dont hunt yotes
  24. Yeah, thanks leafs for keeping the sens under the Sabres for another night. Way things are going though.........Buffalo is going to be looking up at them before the break. Although, a loss to the leafs may really screw with the heads of the Sens lol
  25. Billy Bob is actually BANG ON with his critique. I get gift cards from there and just think.........ugh, now i gotta go TRY and spend this on something relevant lol
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