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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Good going Lew. I grabbed mine a couple of years ago but it was a 2 day course. Then an evening to do the test, I guess they have condensed it. Better to be safe the face the fines that go with not having the certificate.
  2. Agreed. It looks like a great winter project. Since it's still fall...go Nice to know that you'll be around for a while and didn't leave this repair until it was too late.
  3. Boat seemed to be running fine. Top end was back, punched up on plane, things seemed to be OK until the end of the day. So I took the motor in for a closer inspection by my mechanic. Seems the gasket has leaked and water got into the lower cylinder. No signs of water before the last trip. Looking at a power head rebuild job or a new motor at this point in time. Will pick up the boat this weekend and do some thinking on this one over the winter months. Bring on the hard water!! Or if you have a spot in your boat, shoot me a pm. lol!
  4. So sorry to hear this Kelvin. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Be strong, be positive.
  5. Great report but could have used a couple more pics.
  6. How many K's on the truck? I'd do what Dan had suggested, a detailing on the interior, and address the body by repairing it or at least an oil spray. If it is a high mileage truck I wouldn't waste too much money on it.
  7. Great thread Frank. Well I'm a fishing addict and needed some weekday fixes to get me through to the next weekend. Came across this board via the old zoo board as well back in 2000/2001. There were some crazy threads back then but there were also a lot of good ones as well. A great bunch of people that were willing help out in anyway they could. Whether that be fishing related or not. Somethings never change. Finally made it out to a g2g down at waterfront and met a few members. Some that are still here, some are not, and one who has become a very good friend. (Made a few of those here.) Since that time I've made it down to a couple g2g's on Quinte. A couple up on Simcoe and will have to make it up to Lakair one of these days. I would have to say it's the people that keep my here. The ones I have met and the ones that I have not yet but hope to one day. Yep, a great place this OFC Community.
  8. I agree with you here. If it runs great on the weekend, I'll be thrilled. I'm very happy that the compression is good on all cylinders and anything else should be some what minor in comparison. Fingers crossed....
  9. Update - Compression test done and everything checked OK. Fired up the motor (in the driveway with the garden hose) with the old plugs I put in and seems to be running better. Water test on the weekend. I'll be replacing the plugs with new plugs on the weekend. If all runs well then that will be it for this year, hopefully. For next year I will replace the fuel lines just as a precaution. Seems like that might be the next problem so might as well avoid it be for it happens. Thanks for the help and great advice. Will update after the weekend.
  10. fishnsled

    New toy

    Great shots, enjoy the the new toy. Love the shot of the brown.
  11. Checked the fuel lines again and were still firm from the weekend, don't think it's a line problem but maybe while running. Pulled the plugs and one plug was wet and another was questionable, these were the bottom 2 plugs. The top 2 were fine. Got a compression tester coming on loan and will do the test later in the week. I've put in last years plugs for now but hope to grab a new set later in the week. If the compression is good and still having problems, I'm guessing a coil would be the next thing to check? Can the be tested or do you just replace them? If compression is bad then I guess my season just got cut short. PLEASE let it just be a bad set of plugs....
  12. Cliff was with me when it first acted up.....
  13. Thanks for the replies everyone. Got busy with other things today but will pull the plugs tomorrow night and have a look at them. Will also have a look at the fuel lines. They seemed OK when I changed the filter, no residue coming off, but will check a couple other connections. With the fuel lines, what should I be looking for in terms of breakdown of the lines? I'm running NGK's and have since I got the boat, maybe a time for a change. Thanks again!
  14. Was going to grab a can of Seafoam this afternoon on my run about town Roy. Was thinking it might be some bad gas but that might have the motor running rough. Thanks for the input Roy.
  15. Last weekend at the end of the day on the run back to the launch my motor lost power, bogged down, and then picked up again. I thought it might be a dirty fuel filter so I changed it. Out on the lake yesterday I had no top end. Motor sounded OK, started OK, got up on plane but a bit sluggish, but when WOT I could only get 4000-4200 RPM and 31-32 mph. Usually I'm about 5300 and 41-42 mph. Maybe a bad fuel filter? Since there was a slight problem last weekend I'm thinking not but who knows. So the question is what might be causing this, is it OK to run like this for couple more trips? (This late in the season, I would imagine that I won't get the boat back anytime soon with all the winterizing going on at the mechanics) Is it something I can fix myself? The motor is a 2002 Mercury 2 stroke 115hp. Going out to have a look to see if a pinched the fuel line or if the filter is leaking fuel,(if leaking fuel might be sucking air?) didn't notice that happening yesterday. Maybe a fuel pump problem? Your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  16. Canon PowerShot D10 - This camera seems to come out on top in the reviews and is on sale at Dell. Canon Powershot D10 Waterproof Digital Camera This camera has a unique and an unusual design and is quite durable. This camera can withstand water drops fallen from as high as 4 feet water drops and can be used for underwater photography till 33 feet deep in the water. Due to its bulky looks, it has strictly remained as a beach/vacation camera only. However, it is ranked higher in the best waterproof digital camera 2010 ratings. Average cost of Canon Powershot D10 Waterproof Digital Camera is around USD 340. Edit - Add an 8G card for another $20. With Card. Fuji Fine Pix XP 10 - Great price on this one if you are looking at the Fuji (at Dell as well and no I do not work for them. lol!) Fujifilm FinePix Z33WP Waterproof Digital Camera This waterproof digital camera is popular for its inexpensiveness. Despite having 10 megapixel picture resolution, the results are not much cheerful. However, it is still a popular waterproof digital camera for its moderate price. This camera can withstand water drops fallen from as high as 4 feet water drops and can be used for underwater photography till 10 feet deep in the water. Average cost of Fujifilm FinePix Z33WP Waterproof Digital Camera is around USD 200. Olympus Stylus Tough 8000 Waterproof Digital Camera This camera gets higher rating amongst the waterproof camera reviews on its durability. However, the picture quality is a hampered issue that reveals in many waterproof digital camera comparison reports. This camera can withstand water drops fallen from as high as 6.6 feet water drops and can be used for underwater photography till 33 feet deep in the water. It is also freezeproof till 17 degrees Fahrenheit. Average cost of Olympus Stylus Tough 8000 Waterproof Digital Camera is around USD 400. 2009 reviews - Some great information here. A year old but useful. 2010 reviews - Best Waterproof Digital Camera Waterproof Digital Camera Comparison There that will keep you busy.
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