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Everything posted by BabyHerc

  1. I just look at the size of the hand in relation to the head of the fish, not the guy holding it. I guessed this at 11 pounds before reading the actual weight. It's not hard to guess a bass' weight if you are aware how deceiving angles and backgrounds can be.
  2. Spotted bass, aka Kentucky bass, native to southern USA.
  3. If it were me, I'd be going fishing.
  4. Dogs are allowed on the ferry, no extra charge, but must be leashed. Best Island to start is the the one with the first ferry arrival! There are three ferries you can take: Centre Island is the main atraction, nearest the amusement park; Ward's Island leaves you at the east end near a marina with a nice scenic walk down a paved path towards Centre and Hanlan's; Hanlan's Point leaves you at the west side, near the nude beach and the Airport. Fishing the Toronto shore at this time of year is pretty much a bust, so focus on Tommy Thompson Park (a.k.a. The Leslie St. Spit) and the Toronto Islands if you want to catch fish.
  5. Great store, great selection.
  6. Why black? It's just as visible as the green. And it doesn't blend into weeds.
  7. I've checked every tackle shop within two hours of Toronto a couple of years ago for Falcon rods. No one's got 'em.
  8. I always have a fluoro leader, so that breaks first.
  9. They do not sell Senkos.
  10. Jump the gun much? Warm days and cold nights are normal, but we're way off to perdict weather 2 months from now. Focus on weather patterns a week or two before you head up. Smallmouths should be en route or already settled into their wintering areas regardless of temperatures. They make their transition from summer areas to wintering holes relative to amount of daylight, not water temperature.
  11. Perhaps a meteor's trail?
  12. I absolutely love paintballing. I go all the time and play in the woods when I can. I have an A5 modded to look like a G36C and I have a magazine-fed pistol as well. Oh and skills. I got lots n lots of skills.
  13. Smallies in Mountsberg?
  14. A little off-topic, but that is an awesome picture, and would still be if the bass weighed only a pound. Very well done.
  15. I never rarely hit the same water two outings in a row.
  16. I NEVER go fishing without my waders. I have no boat, so being able to walk into a lake, pond or stream to get to the harder-to-reach areas is invaluable. And fighting fish, especially pike and muskie, when you're chest deep in water is very exciting. Be sure to walk very slowly in new water, keep a wading staff, and slide your feet across bottom rather than lifting and stepping. I've aslo had success backtracking after walking through an area, I assume because of the silt and mud kicked up on my first pass. I have 3.5 mm White River neoprene waders from Bass Pro.
  17. Check the time dude...
  18. A good oxygenator is more important than livewell size I would think. And a smaller livewell would be easier to control the level of oxygen and water temp to ensure a stress-free trip to the weigh-in for the bass.
  19. It's a European Perch. And they get big.
  20. I'll agree with Nemo. I have some spots that I love to fish but are chalk full of fire ants. Tough it out like a man or go fishing at Glen Haffy for some stocked trout. Wussies.
  21. I would pair a 1500 size reel with the 6'2" rod you mentioned. It will balance better in your hand, and the larger spool will allow for longer casts and less memory in the line. The Micro Lite rods at Bass Pro ain't bad for 20 bucks, but they are much too soft in action and weak in power if you ask me. This leads to missed hook-sets and lack of lure control. If you have money to burn, get the St. Croix UL. If you only have 20 bucks, the choice is obvious. And keep in mind GCD's ability to fling a 1/16oz lure waaaaay out there is a characteristic of the Crucial UL rod, and any other faster-action UL rod (St. Croix, G. Loomis, Fenwick, etc.), rather than the reel, although once again the wider spool of the 1000 size reel helps a bit. He must also have a quick wrist and good timing. I know I did when I was becoming a teenager... fishing, of course.
  22. Also consider the bluebird skies and zero wind this past weekend. That makes a tough bite where ever you go. As said above, it's midsummer, so pick up the jigs and plastic worms. And time your trips to stay away from tournaments.
  23. Grand River for smallies and Guelph Lake for largies.
  24. Yet another reason I dislike the ego-glorification of fishing that is bass tournaments. Chris
  25. Try the Smithwick Walleye Rogue as an alternative. Great bright walleye colours, 3.5 inches long, and great trolling capabilities.
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