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Everything posted by BabyHerc

  1. With water temps at high 60s to low 70s, those bass should be up on beds finally and away from the pike and walleye holes.
  2. Take your pic! I like the floaters for the narrower profile, but a similar-sized countdown will be a little heavier and thus easier to cast. The countdowns also allow the working of a greater range of depths. Best bet is to buy one or two of each, or more if you like. I particularly like the muddler minnow colour in the countdown, one size up from the smallest for stream trout.
  3. Brown and olive hare's ear nymphs, and olive and grey scuds should work well. You can fish them on a casting bubble for greater distance, or below a float like you would roe for steelhead. The best size and colour is the size and colour of that which they are feeding on at that moment. You can either search for a hatch chart of the area you;re fishing, or pick up a a couple each of pheast tails, hare's ears, and czech nymphs in varying sizes and colours to match what's under the stones in the river you are fishing. Keep in mind to drift the flies freely, and that detecting a hit on a fly on a spinning rod is VERY difficult in moving water. You might be better off fishing with spinners, jigs, and small rapalas (in accordance with single-hook policy where required).
  4. Pike will rip through 30lb fluorocarbon. Go 50lb minimum, and 80lb for confidence. For bass and walleye in clear water, go with at least a 6 foot lead. Connecting your leader to your mainline with a uni-to-uni knot will allow the use of a longer lead, since the knot can be wound through the guides and onto the spool.
  5. York River through Haliburton and eastern Ontario? Should be your general bass/pike stuff, like a medium-heavy power spinning rod with 10 lb test, some spinnerbaits, leadheads and trailers, and hooks and weights for weedless Texas rigs. Weeds can get pretty darn thick in the section of the York I've visited. As well, from what I've seen, current in the river is almost nonexistant.
  6. Ling are also known as burbout or eelpout. An eel is totally different.
  7. LOL Classic!
  8. I was going for a jog today, just after noon, and I saw a boat with WFN logos all over it being trailered down Farmstead Road, near Bayview and Major Mac. Would that be anyone from here? (And if so... let's go fishing )
  9. Nice to meet ya!
  10. My friends and I have seen this happen on our lakes. Yet another reason why I'm not a tournament fan.
  11. Streamers and buggers all the way!
  12. The trout fishery runs from Shand Dam (Belwood Lake) down to West Montrose. Look at a map, find some bridges, and give 'er a go. Pay attention to special regulations areas: no live bait, single barbless hooks, and catch-and-release only. No 20-inch-browns-on-a-cooler pics
  13. I was down there on Sunday. I was "fishing", but not for anything with fins Lots of people out, and no pitbull. I did make the call to the SPCA back in March. I guess either they caught it, or a resident from the east side nabbed their pet. On opening day, where ever there is water is a good bet! Pick a ferry, and start walking and casting. Like Snog said, you might do better to stick to areas that you are familiar with.
  14. 75 yards is plenty. I use each 150 yards spool to do 2 reels. I fill halfway with my backing, which would be any equivalent diameter mono, then top it up with 75 yards of braid. Casts plenty far, never get spooled, and I get double the use out of one spool. I suspect my FARTHEST casts to be 40 yards? I dunno, I'm just guessing.
  15. Thanks guys. FHR, who's Dave?
  16. Hey all, I'm looking for some Pointer 78s, but BPS and JB's don't have the colours I'm looking for. Any other stores in the GTA sell them?
  17. I don't think the mortality would be so high. Mortality is an issue in tournaments up here because we are forced to fish for bass in waters approaching and exceeding 75*F. In water temperatures around 50-55*F (prespawn temps), the fish are hardier, require less oxygen, and have slowed metabolisms. If we can catch and release prespawn walleyes on Bay of Quinte without massive amounts of fish-kills, why can they not catch and release prespawn bass in the south to the same effect? The pros that fish tournies like FLW and BASS are, for the most part, very concerned with the health of the fish, taking into account livewell temps, O2 levels, and applying stress-reducing chemicals when required. Fish are also fought very quickly and brought to hand in a matter of seconds. Granted, a 9 or 10 pound bass may take a bit longer, but these guys are fishing with equipment that that can definitely handle it. Am I a fan of tournaments in general? Not really. But do I think prespawn bass-fishing tournies are harmful? Not at all.
  18. Serves 2 purposes: first, it lightens up the outfit, and second, gives you a point closer to your body to keep a finger or 2 (or full hand) on the blank for sensitivity, while maintainting comfort.
  19. Quantum Catalyst rods? I'm no Columbo, but I'm gonna guess that was you at BPS on Saturday? Had I known, I woulda introduced myself.
  20. Nice!!! What state are you in Whopper? Ohio?
  21. The Steez is Daiwa's new top-O-the-line baitcasting reel. It is also the world's lightest. I haven't bought myself a high end piece of equipment in years, so this spring I'm gonna go nuts and get one. Ahhh, the beauty of being single... Saving? Money?? Sorry Roger, I am unfamiliar with this word-combination.
  22. Has anybody been around looking at prices? Just wondering what the lowest price is so far. I've seen $495 at LeBaron's.
  23. Great pics, especially the bird's eye view of the islands.
  24. At ice out, water temp is fairly uniform, and rainbows and browns could be anywhere! Drop-offs, shallow mud/weed flats, points, creek inflows/outflows, downed brush, and dam faces will all attract fish. Productive depths range from 3 feet to 15 feet or more. If you can find these areas, I think the key is a small and slow presentation. Forgo trolling, and instead drift with the wind, fancasting the smallest Mepps, Roostertails, and Countdown Minnows. If you're a fly-rodder, go with woolly buggers, scuds, pheasant tails, and small streamers. In deeper water, a simple three-way rig with a bell sinker and a worm or minnow will be good.
  25. I'm pretty sure the March open season applies only to Lake Ontario. Best to check the MNR website.
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