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Everything posted by BabyHerc

  1. I'll agree, almost all rear drags will stick or slip a bit. Regardless, do what Greencoachdog said. Get a small screwdriver, some degreaser and some reel grease. Disassmble the reel and clean your innards, then reapply grease according to manufacturer instructions.
  2. By the way, if you are in Toronto at anytime, check out Wilson's fly shop on Front St East or the White River fly shop at Bass Pro Shops in Vaughan for more local information.
  3. When I worked there I was able to use a catalog number to check for stock on items. To my knowledge the catalog numbers and the internet numbers are identical. The person you encountered was either untrained or about to go on break. As for the price discrepancy, you have to factor in fuel and shipping costs to truck the goods from Springfield, Missouri to Vaughan, Ontario. Then tack on customs fees, duty, taxes and border hold ups for bringing those goods across that little imaginary line over the Detroit River. When you order online, you'll have to pay those same fees on your purchase. Also keep in mind that the store has limited space and can't possibly carry every item in the catalog. That's what the mother store in Missouri is for. No Bass Pro store carries every item in the catalog except Missouri. And there you have it. Bass Pro in a nutshell.
  4. You're welcome and good luck!
  5. You would need about an 8/9 wt rod for most bass, pike and carp fishing here in Ontario. Rod lengths of 8 - 9 feet should suffice. Leaders could range from 6lb test and 10 feet for clear water smallmouth to 12lb test and 4 feet for weedy largemouth fishing. Deerhair poppers, rabbit strip streamers and crayfish imitators are all good for bass. Carp love crayfish and nymphs, and carp on a fly rod provide one of the best fishing experiences one could encouter. They are wary and finicky like a freshwater bonefish and landing one is very rewarding. Don a pair of waders or jump in a float tube and find bays off the main lake with water depths ranging from 3 to 12 feet or more. Thick weedbeds hold largemouth and carp, and the occasional smallmouth, so make sure to use weedless poppers, streamers and bunny strips. Most times though smallies prefer rocky shorelines, dropoffs, points and outside weededges. Weedless flys aren't necessary for smallmouths, but what is necessary is a very strong hookset, because they have a very hard, bony mouth and it can be difficult to get a really good hookset. Be sure to watch the weather in the Kawarthas area throughout June. If you see a lot of high twenties and thirties a week or two prior to your arrival, you can bet fishing will be tough. Bass will be buried deep in the weeds durnig midday, and smallies will be on deep structure or suspended offshore. Night fishing with surface poppers still remains a viable option though. Do you have any experience fishing stillwaters in BC?
  6. All salamanders have gills at early stages in life. Some keep gills into adult-hood. Next time you catch a mudpuppy, hook it through the lips like a minnow and cast it to largies on opening day...
  7. Cortland makes a leader material geared towards flyfisherman that consists of a pliable wire with a plastic coated in either green or grey. It's called Toothy Critter I believe and there's another similar product under the brang Tyger. Knots can be tied, but tend to kink the wire. This can be solved by heating the wire up with a lighter ad straitening out. Otherwise, you can look up American Fishing Wire on the internet. They make a variety of products for toothy fishing, and I really love their wire.
  8. I think he's ranting in a non-fueling kinda way.
  9. The lake isn't the internet. Think about that.
  10. Amen to that. Been doing it for years. Especially good with keeping smaller profile baits down deep for smallies on shield lakes. Shhhhhh, don't tell anybody...
  11. Hey all, I'm heading out tomorrow morning for my first fishing outing since last October. Just curious if anybody has noted surface temps on Chemong or any other nearby waters in the last couple of days. Thanks a bunch.
  12. Good show.
  13. Everyone here is all for helping and answering questions, but you have to understand that many people have dedicated a lifetime to finding and learning their own secret spots, myself inlcluded. Asking for these spots is considered untactful. I put in years of research for every spot I fish. You are naive to think that people are willing to provide this information. It's akin to standing on Bay Street and asking every passerby what their salary is.
  14. LOL I thought the same thing... FLAME ON!
  15. Never heard of it, but go to resellerratings.com and do a background check.
  16. Are these Nippissing fish or Erie fish?
  17. Just wondering if anyone has noted water temps on Simcoe, Kawarthas, or other inland waters in the vicinity? Thanks.
  18. At this time of year, you will not be able to find any trout without having to drive somewhere. All the rivers and creeks through Toronto are too warm. If you can get to headwaters in surrounding towns, you can catch some small-ish brookies and the occasional brown. Better trout fishing is at least 30 minutes away (driving) from where I am in Richmond Hill, perhaps more or less depending on where you are.
  19. When I know I'm gonna keep fish, I bring along the cooler and a lot of crushed ice. Any fish to be kept is killed immediately by slitting the throat at the gills to bleed the fish, gutted, and thrown on the ice. Gutting is optional, if you are squeamish, but taking these steps ensures a much finer tasting fish.
  20. And why does everyone need an introduction? Whatever happened to asking a question and getting an answer?
  21. Try night fishing or deep weedlines in August. 1/8 oz jighead and 4 to 6 inch plastic worm. I like the Berkley Power worms. Blacks and purples. Spinnerbaits are good producers, and are great for covering water to locate fish.
  22. This will be the third bass opener in a row that I'm missing. Yes, I'm bitter LOL!
  23. Depends on conditions! Stay versatile!
  24. If they are in fact legal, does anyone know where they can be purchased?
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