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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2024 in all areas

  1. Do I really need a reason.....
    2 points
  2. It's been 10 years since SPIEL has tied up this fabulous Rain Shadow for me. Still going as strong as the day I picked it up. I'm thinking I've caught at least a dozen fish on it. 😉 Thanks SPIEL for your quality work and craftsmanship. Cheers!
    1 point
  3. Actually, you were restricted for a lot more than the JT post you were restricted for stirring the pot on political posts and excessive amounts of insulting others. This is not to start a debate but to let you know that since you have changed your ways you have been allowed to post again. Please do not get back to your old habits. Thank you Art
    1 point
  4. One of the reasons I like coming here is the lack of political Bull. I can find that anywhere...nice to have a place that is a respite from that crap.
    1 point
  5. Love old school build
    1 point
  6. Gezz Ron that Spiel build is pristine, he'd smack me if I showed him my Spiel Perch rod, all you can see is slime and minnow scales on the handle.😀😂
    1 point
  7. Its been a while since Ive had something to report.. but we finally.. finally made it up To Camp Jiggy Jiggy. It was winter of challenges, and a spring of projects we couldn't get away from but finally after 7 months we are back.. It always amazes me how well the place holds up in our absence. Last year I installed a camera with cell service outside, and added a solar panel the battery made it to the end of Feb before it died.. but had manages to take a charge again and reset it self late march. Its really quite nice to see the pace all winter long and know all is well. The camera overlooks the river as well. The one couple we know locally used to comedown here to fish occasionally, but they retired in the fall and moved away. Its the beginning of july and the camera hasn't picked up a boat or a canoe on the river yet. So for now at least we have our little stretch all to ourselves again, something Im very grateful for. We've had the place for about 18 years now i think and i know its selfish, but its hard to share lol. here are some pics for everyone. My mug.. yes i need to shave... My view from my office this morning.. Had to clear the trail in as always every year. The kids got me this Milwaukee chainsaw this year.. honestly for light to medium work its a game changer. Ill never ever tire of the view up the river Fishing is still as good as ever, maybe even better this year.. theres a nice size year class of pike that's prevalent in our space that are all about 30 inches, and some like Moniques best yesterday are a bit bigger: this one went right back in the water: LOL.. this one diddnt... Creek is still coughing up dace which we used last night to get four eating sized pickeral. After all this time bigger pickeral still elude me, but we have at least found some spots for some for eating. Still cant find the bigguns though. So that's it for now.. gonna be a hot one up here.. oh and last but not least... they look silly but on a breezeless day saved our afternoon from baking in the boat.. although we had trouble not laughing at each other.....
    1 point
  8. This ^^^^ I've been running my 2006 4 stroke on ethanol 87 octane from the get go, no issues. And yes, install a water/fuel separator.
    1 point
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