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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2024 in all areas

  1. YouTube video. Guy gets to the end of his line so they hook the rod and reel to a new rod and reel.
    1 point
  2. A couple shots of a priceless whitetail fawn about an hour old. I have a video of them as well where the poor little guy's back legs are still wobbly and barely holding him up, a cow moose with a beautiful calf, whitetail buck and 10,059 pics of cattle which I didn't post of course Lol. The ones of the moose suck as they are on video and I can't post videos so I had to pause the videos and take a picture of them on the computer with a hand held camera.
    1 point
  3. Your info is always interesting Barry.
    1 point
  4. So my wife is away for a few days, leaving me without adult supervision.........and so I went rooting around in one of the freezers looking for a package of elk steaks. I was SURE I had one left, but maybe not. Anyways, I did find a squirrel I shot last fall, and a cottontail, and one of the rabbits we raised last year. I like to try to shoot 3 or 4 squirrels to make squirrel pot pie, but last fall recovering from shoulder surgery I did not do much hunting. So anyways I put the 3 critters in the slow cooker with a container of that Campbell's chicken broth with white wine (first time I tried it, and I like it!) Last night I feasted on squirrel and rabbit meat, some of it with red pepper jelly. And I had just enough squirrel meat left over for a sandwich (and the rabbit is going into pot pies this afternoon!) I am going way out on a limb here, but I am guessing there was nobody else on here who had a squirrel sandwich for lunch. Delicious! Doug
    1 point
  5. My bad Barry, for some reason I thought these pictures were very current.
    1 point
  6. But you never had to tie another rod on. I just had a huge largie hit that pulled the rod out of the tube rod holder and right into the water. I got it back because I was using a floating lure. The bass had shook off though.
    1 point
  7. I've had a few close calls of getting spooled while hooking big Chinook, Brown and Rainbow fishing Southampton and Port Elgin using ultra light 110 Dam Quick with 6lb test Golden Stren and 5ft Garcia rod. It was a blast.
    1 point
  8. Really nice pictures as always Barry but just curious, is it normal for deer out your way to be born in July rather than early spring ?
    1 point
  9. Great pics. As for the videos you could easily load them onto youtube and then post the links here like I did with that elk soccer. Cheers
    1 point
  10. Really great shots!
    1 point
  11. Also running a 1991 Evinrude without any issues. As Spiel suggested, I changed my fuel supply line. The assumption that marinas are providing ethanol free fuel is not true.
    1 point
  12. I believe firmly in swapping out my fuel lines every two years. All of them. Cheap and easy insurance. I've never had fuel problems, but I've seen many folks with deteriorated remains in the system. With portable tanks I dont worry about a separater. I just dump it my daily driver if it sits for a few months and it's easy to see if there are contaminates in the tank. Built in tanks arent necessarily so easy to deal with.
    1 point
  13. Another thing you might consider given your motors age is getting all of your fuel supply lines changed over to ethanol tolerant lines.
    1 point
  14. Back up to Spiel, there are two irrigation reservoirs out here in southern Alberta, well several actually these ones I am referring are about 23 miles long each, Lake Macgregor, that I have fished since 1981. The RCMP decided to train their divers there but it was short lived as the divers came up grasping for the ladder on the boat scared half to death because of the size of the pike. My wife's cousin was one of them, pastor of a church, and stated that they were well over 6 to 7 feet long and aggressive towards the divers. Yeah, seems hard to believe but I do. There was a time we were camping at the south end and my wife decided to take a walk out on the berm with our dog for a few casts. (My wife is a very accomplished angler, she'll put most men to shame, she had a good teacher, LOL) I had the video camera on them and first cast she hooked into something huge, she leaned back and set the hook at the same time it came out of the water and she yelled, it's huge and she wasn't joking. The splash it created totally blocked her and my dog out of the video, width and height. You can make out the fish and the size of it was nothing short of huge. Unfortunately it threw her lure.
    1 point
  15. Six years ago on my buddies birthday (his treat too), we were there, front row, stage left. Bush, STP and the Cult. Hell of night.
    1 point
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