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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2024 in all areas

  1. Howdy, long time no yak at. Not a very clear pic as time was of the essence. This was on the way to check some of my trail cams. The grizzly actually caught and killed the elk as it came down off the mountain and entered the deep snow in the ditch and barely made it up onto the road. In the picture it is dragging it off the road and back up the mountain, they have incredible power. A grizzly can break the back of a four year old steer with one swipe. The bass is from last summer. One of my buddy's sent it to me. I was caught somewhere on the Bruce Peninsula.
    1 point
  2. I'll be heading in to 10 Mile Lodge in a week. First of two trips in this summer, another one in August. I'll do a report when I get out One of our lunches this trip we will use the Lancaster Perch Roll recipe but we are using walleye instead. Should be good.
    1 point
  3. not saying it will work for you, but I had a powerdrive that conked out last year. Found a webpage that gave me a weird sequence of events...involved rotating the prop manually etc etc and no word of a lie it started up again. Been fine ever since. Something about some magnets or something...no clue what I was doing but it works again
    1 point
  4. Nothing works like a Ford!!!
    1 point
  5. https://northernontario.ctvnews.ca/overfishing-walleye-in-northern-ont-leads-to-5-5k-in-fines-1.6899422
    1 point
  6. Looks awesome! I used to make gravlox (I spell it with an o, like lox) with brown trout fillets, but it has been a very long time since I caught a brown. Or a brookie, for that matter... Headed to Loughborough today for a week, yeehaw! When we are not bass fishing or playing cards, the 4 amigos eat like kings. I am introducing them to smoked sprats, thanks to you! Doug
    1 point
  7. A couple of days ago I took my 5 wt and my Vizsla up to a favourite creek in North Frontenac. The Mayfly hatch was in full swing, and I was fortunate enough to have a few Brookies sip on my Adams. Usually, I'll pan fry, grill or hot smoke Brook Trout...but since I was having a couple of buddies over to watch the game tonight, I decided to make Gravlax as a snack, which I haven't made in awhile. Gravlax is Scandinavian cured fish, typically made with Salmon, but Trout works perfectly well too. It's like a cross between cold smoked fish and sashimi...there's no cooking, just the cure. The fillets are heavily coated in salt, sugar, dill and Aquavit (a spicy gin/vodka from Norway). The process takes place in the fridge, under the weight of a brick to squeeze out the moisture. It typically takes 24 to 48 hours depending on the thickness of the fillets. Once cured, it's easy to cut the fillets into very thin slices with a sharp knife. I'm serving it with some baby greens from my garden, lemon, Vidalia onion, capers, toasted rye bread, and a dressing of sour cream, dill and Dijon mustard. I'm not an Oiler fan, but it would be nice to see the Cup finally return to Canada...hopefully the tornadoes don't interfere with my reception up here..
    1 point
  8. First time buying Prawns, a quick marinade in lime juice, a dash of chili flakes and onto the grill next to the Asparagus. Served over some fried Basmati Rice with veggies. I'll do it again. 😉
    1 point
  9. Seems like a waste of time and great expense , with all the local crime that could be patrolled I say that as a person who had the mnr raid our cabin when I was at a fly in lake of course they found nothing wrong with us and left empty handed
    1 point
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