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  1. Ain't no way,no how,them fish ain't going to see these
    2 points
  2. No, I had a couple of low ball offers and decided to hang on to it. It turned out to be a good choice because my son bought a 40' park modle trailer for his property up in the French and I can spend as much time as I want up there. Mine is the 6X6 and I have no trouble taking it out into any depth of water, it is nose heavy but even with my weight and loaded with gear I have tons of freeboard. Moving from side to side, netting fish, it's far more stable than a canoe and I have never taken on water. Besides that, you can't sink them as long as you have air in those tires. My son did put a 2hp motor on his, switched back to the electric, it was much easier than reaching over the seat to start it. Also there's something special about the silence when you are way back in the bush. Even with the battery, if it does go dead you are never stuck, just start the Argo , it moves surprisingly well in the water under it's own power. In fact often if I am trolling for pike I just run the Argo, the turbulence from the wheels seems to excite the pike.
    2 points
  3. No offence, but I would not leave Kingston to go ANYWHERE for bass............
    2 points
  4. So I don't usually take pictures of my food, because my wife thinks it is highly aberrant behaviour. I catch enough flak for other stuff that I don't need to add to the topics where my behaviour is found wanting. BUT! If she is not around, I can take some pics. Tonight it was DUCK BALLS!!! with sweet Thai chili sauce on acini de pepe pasta, very toothsome even if I say so myself. That black spot on the parchment paper is evidence of quality control before the sauce got added. πŸ˜‰ The duck balls are meatballs of course. I had made some country style (caseless) Italian sausage with duck meat, and had one package left, so I did it as meatballs. Doug
    2 points
  5. Ok so you have been banned from ever creating, advertising, or making any more fishing tackle in the intrest of conservation. That is just plain mean and crule, the fish don't have a chance πŸ˜‚( can I buy a hundred cash ? 😊)
    1 point
  6. Well I am 78 (or will be tommorow) travel insurance for me is probably about as much as the cost of the trip (if I can even get it) Do it while you can because all of a sudden you look up and..... that place sounds amazing, beautiful, friendly, and affordable. Please keep posting your adventures I love reading and dreaming 😊
    1 point
  7. Nice, so do you recommend wielding glasses when using them
    1 point
  8. MY eyes are burning!!
    1 point
  9. Yes, but otherwise you would need climbing ropes, carabiners, crampons, ice axes and other mountain climbing gear.....πŸ˜‰
    1 point
  10. Have you been in the CALGARY airport lately??? Take a lunch and a sleeping bag..........
    1 point
  11. So Cliff, you did not sell the Argo after all, I guess? Back to Barry: I did use an outboard on my first (8 wheel) Argo many years ago. It was equipped with an outboard motor mount on the stern and also had a v-shaped bracket about 2/3 the way down the hull, that the outboard motor shaft contacted so it did not warp the motor mount. I think it must have been a 4 hp Merc I ran on it, as that is the only small outboard I remember from those days. The Argo was bow-heavy even with an outboard attached, and I was not a fan of having it in deep water. The second (6 wheel) Argo only went on water a few times, and always by accident! And my current (8 wheel) Argo has not been in any depth of water to speak of. I really must give it a try again, given that I can't carry a tinner any more.... I think an electric motor with battery like Cliff uses is a good idea. Doug
    1 point
  12. Well as you know, you did not miss much here while you were away! Fishable ice still looks like it is a week or so away, probably more with the forecast high winds. 😟 Glad you had a great trip, and thanks for the report! Doug
    1 point
  13. and a Cardinal 3 reel by the looks of it......... I wanted to do a Kipawa trip last year with a bunch of buddies. They out-voted me, 3 to 1, for a bass trip to Loughborough Lake instead. I do love Loughborough, but have been fishing it for decades, and so far have yet to fish Kipawa. One of these years.... Doug
    1 point
  14. Wow. That’s the stuff dreams are made of. I can’t imagine a better southern getaway. Love the lack of crowds. Thanks.
    1 point
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