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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2024 in all areas

  1. This is a post from one of the forum members who visited the lodge while staying at Taggart Bay Lodge "Drove into there in September 2005 by myself when we were staying at TBL. What a place! Met Scott and he told me to make myself at home and explore the property at my leisure as he was just finishing packing-up to leave for the winter. I took a look at the original Topping Cabin...very cool...but also gave me the 'willies' for some reason. I walked up the river as far as I could past Hollywood Rapids....outstanding location and so picturesque. Scott showed me the large cabin he built in the 80s (from the book), and then gave me a tour of the new "mansion" cabin right at the mouth where the Hollywood Rapids meets Lac Temiscamigue. The log diameters had to be at least 3-foot wide for that cabin....super impressive in scale and detail. Scott was very gracious and welcomed me there like I was an old friend, though we'd never met or even communicated prior. I'll never forget that little personal adventure and am so glad I took the time to do it. Wish I had $9M..." This is the book he's referring to. I'm going to order a copy. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3162806-kipawa-river-chronicles
    2 points
  2. Was going through some old 35mm photos to day and came across these. Just a few of my favorites I was too lazy to scan them and put them on a sd card so I just took pics of them with the Canon digital, so they are not the greatest. I may have posted more than I should have. The first one I call hunting the high country (for big horn sheep) it was quite a hike and worse going down as gravity wanted to pull me faster than I wanted on the loose rocks and star an avalanche. The one of the badgers, it is hard to see but papa badger has three baby badgers under him to protect them. I hope yous enjoy them. Thank you.
    2 points
  3. I would have to say that easily the best fishing times I've ever had in my life were the 20 or so week long trips to Kipawa, there's just some magic there that stays with you for months after being there. Camped there the first few years and then stayed at Corbeau lodge several times, now privately owned by Eric Lindros and then once we got an opening stayed at Alwaki lodge for the rest of our visits. That was a 14 mile boat ride. I still follow the Kipawa forum and this was recently posted. The quite famous 230 acre Topping Retreat that once was sold to the owner of the NY Yankees is again up for sale for the great price of only $8.9M. This place once graced the Canadian $10 bill, was home to a couple of movies and was visited by many famous movie stars like Gregory Peck and Katherine Hepburn. The scenery is magnificent situated at the end of Kipawa River where it empties into Lake Temiscaming. There's close to a hundred pics of the property, well worth going through. Also a few good pics from upstream on Google Earth of some of the rapids. Cheers https://mrealestate.com/properties/999-Ch.-des-Grandes-Chutes/14751632 https://www.msn.com/en-ca/travel/news/this-8-9m-historic-quebec-home-was-once-a-hollywood-retreat-is-now-up-for-sale/ar-AA1kMRGX
    1 point
  4. Hi all, Finally feeling like winter here in NW Ontario, some snow on the ground and some -20C daytime temps coming up. Still not as much snow as usual so took advantage and went off the side of the ice road here in Dryden, caught a couple in an hour or so, very convenient.
    1 point
  5. Fished there 2007 and 2009, beautiful place, good fishing at the mouth of the river.
    1 point
  6. You've got a nice collection of some really good pictures Barry, thanks for putting them up.
    1 point
  7. Thats insane. Nothng but open water here. Maybe next month we,ll have ice.
    1 point
  8. Great pictures. Thanks for posting them.
    1 point
  9. Thanks Gil, glad you liked them. I have a lot more mostly birds, white tail, moose sheep and grizzly's but wasn't sure of the rules as to how many I could post.
    1 point
  10. Very nice Barry. Lots of envy here!
    1 point
  11. I started going to Kipawa in the early 80's. I did a couple of years at Temagami as well when Quebec outlawed live minnows. As you say even though it's a nice lake there was just something missing compared to Kipawa. Plus the OPP had a big brand new boat and were stopping everyone all the time including lodge boats. We would hide out beers in those plastic rod cases lol. That's when I got into salted minnows for Quebec which worked just fine behind gang trolls for Lakers and on a jig for Walleye. Wondering why you would boat in to Mackenzie from Laniel instead of Kipawa? Was Laniel closer to you?
    1 point
  12. Yea apparently it's popular with kayakers too but I can't imagine trying to run those rapids from Grand Chute down in high water spring conditions.
    1 point
  13. Fished right in front of that spot on Temiscaming a few years ago. Beautiful spot and property. It was spring and the rivers was angry! LOL HH
    1 point
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