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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2023 in all areas

  1. Since I filled my turkey tag yesterday, today was my day to pull the boat out and give it the once over. New air in the tires, check. Motor turned over just like always, check. No signs of critters. Hookup the batteries to top-up the charge. Bit of tidying up and check the trailer lights and the one side won't light (Insert Grinch joke here). Looks like it is just the bulbs so off to CT to get new ones. Fourteen bucks later and we're road legal again. This now brings the total money I've spent on replacing broken items on this used boat I bought from a member here 10 years ago to..... $27. But if we figure I bought 2 pairs of bulbs when I only needed one, we can round down to $20. The trailer winch strap busted (in may driveway) about 5-6 years ago. Nothing on this boat has given me a moment's grief and while I'd love to upsize a bit I don't think I could give this one up. Tight lines... after we get my brother a turkey.
    2 points
  2. You did really well with that boat Rob. I will be getting the green machine prepred for next weeks opener. New 50 ah battery is already on charge,new motor just needs ft extension on the wires to reach the battery to balance out the craft. Finder chip swapped from the ice machine to the large tv screen one. Might need some new air in the tires as well. Maybe hit the car wash and give it a shine. LOL
    1 point
  3. Exactly like that! 😆
    1 point
  4. Bow turkey this morning!
    1 point
  5. I guess Cullen Veiders would have something to say too...at 59.5", I can't see how there could be more than 6" from the fork of the tail to the tip.. https://www.in-fisherman.com/editorial/worldclass-mega-muskie-from-lake-ontario/466685
    1 point
  6. These are Pontiac's, big potato flavor. I've been growing them for over forty years. This year I'm finally planting Idaho (russets) They are very versatile and make especially tasty and crispy fries. The blade on the clever is nine inches long. Would have made too much sense to put a tape measure next to the spud, too late smart as usual LOL.
    1 point
  7. Given the size of that tater, all you would need is a six pack for a seven course meal! HH
    1 point
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