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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2023 in all areas

  1. Dakota is banking on you thinking their name means anything and paying the price for it. From the little research I've done there it seems like due to expiring patents more and more companies are jumping on the bandwagon and producing them. Check out Will Prowse on Youtube, he goes through a lot of manufacturers, you'll figure out which batteries are worth it and which one's aren't. I've never pay the premium for Dakota lithiums btw.
    2 points
  2. Just wondering who else might be volunteering some of their time at the different help centers? I started volunteering at the Men Mission here in London. Went through the police checks and all the other crap making sure I wouldn't be a threat to the clients there. Been going there now for about 2 months now and totally enjoy it. Doing all kinds of different things. Basic electrical, plumbing, carpentry and a bunch of painting. Staring to get to know the staff members and a number of the clients/guest. Most of the guests are good people that are down on their luck. These guy are very nice and very humble. Stop and introduce yourself to them and it's like they've found a long lost friend. Makes me feel good that I put a smile on that persons face. Only after the short time I've been there I get hello's as I walk down the halls and they've remembered my name. Then there' are the druggies that come in from the cold to find a warm place to get high; they sneak their dope in. You can tell who's on a drug vacation when you see them and I try and stay clear and watch them very closely when we are in the same area. Last week the paramedics, fire department and police were called to the Mission. Some 16 year-old kid overdosed in his room. The paramedics got him stabilized but then the kid refuse to go to the hospital. What a shame he'll likely end up dead somewhere on the streets. Sorry for the last bit; but who else does volunteering. Dan...
    1 point
  3. I retired in October, and when in town have been doing deliveries for Meals on Wheels twice a week. One of my buddies turned me on to the organization. I get to meet a lot of really interesting people that often are isolated but have a lot of fascinating life experiences to share. It's something that I've really come to enjoy. It says something about our society that so many elderly people are "alone", and just need someone to chat with for a few minutes. Even though a lot of seniors have families, they're often somewhat abandoned by the children they spent their lives raising.
    1 point
  4. I celebrate 30-06 day myself
    1 point
  5. You know what that means! 3-08 day is just around the corner!
    1 point
  6. I've been a volunteer with the local Food Bank since 2017. Along with some other retired gentlemen we do the weekly grocery shopping every Tuesday morning. We also get dispatched to pick up donations from all areas of the community and when needed fill in for the actual distribution to our clients on Thursdays. I find it very satisfying being able to give back to the needy of our area and the days I spend working at the Food Bank are the highlights of my week. Bernie
    1 point
  7. I'm retired now so I have the time. It's great you're helping where you can. One of my fears going to the "Mission" was being hit up with a bunch of bible thumpers. It hasn't happened? Yes there is some religion around the place but it's not pushed on anyone. Met the Pastor of the Mission and he cracked jokes with us???? LOL Dan...
    1 point
  8. Who needs crappie jigs???? Got my order in this morning. My guy does quality work and uses great hooks. I am stocked up with 350 1/16, same in 1/32. He even went out of his way for me and brought in flat black for my bug jigs. Ugli Boys Baits. Thanks Bruce for stepping up. Also received my craft fur.
    1 point
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