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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2023 in all areas

  1. Quesnel BC. rainbow, where my youngest son lives. It is a sportsman's paradise. Awesome fishing and lots of big game.
    2 points
  2. I came across these cool glass beads. The imagination was jumping and thought to self,yup,lets play. So I did. Toss them for some pan fish.
    1 point
  3. In case nobody posted this yet.......... VID-20230201-WA0008.mp4
    1 point
  4. A number of years ago I had an opportunity to go to Duncanby Lodge at Rivers Inlet BC. Duncanby Lodge I won the the trip through a promotion at one of my suppliers; I could have never afforded this trip on my own. That being said, it was an amazing fishing trip! I won't go into the lodge's accommodations, staff, 5 star meals from the kitchens, or the guides we had. Just check out the site. The fishing was unbelievably crazy. Huge salmon, numbers of Rock fish and then bringing up a Halibut from 300 FOW is unforgettable! Flew into Vancouver, spent the night, next morning got on a seaplane and flew to Northern BC to the lodge. One of the guys (a friend from here in London) that was on the boat with me caught a Tyee (A Salmon over 30 inches) and released it. The lodge promoted this by giving a hand carved wooden reel to whoever did this. My brother in-law lives in BC and wouldn't know which end of a fishing pole to hold. Such a great fishery that he's never thought of as a thing to do with his son, let alone for himself??? Dan...
    1 point
  5. Your welcome to my picture if it's any use to you Chris.
    1 point
  6. I went to the fishing show Friday. It was busy but not big show as in the past. Some big exhibitors like Mercury were missing. Found some deals on tackle but not great. I did met Bob Izumi after his talk.
    1 point
  7. Geeeez Brian, those will never work.
    1 point
  8. The smaller tribs have perfect colour right now...
    1 point
  9. Oh Yeah the ZOO Board, the bash and belittle board. I found OFC ( O . F . N ) shortly after it came on line. I didn't join right away; but after a couple of months I felt comfortable joining the group here. I still remember being scolded by my daughter when she found out I was going to meet up with a board member for a day of fishing. "you don't know this person, he could hurt you". I went anyway and we're still friends to this day. He doesn't post here very often anymore but when he does he's a great contributor to the site. I only slow "poke" my nose in when I think I have something to contribute to a thread. I visit here once every day or so to see what's up. There's a ton of good people here that I'd drop what I'm doing to help if there was a way I could. Can't remember the member's name but he was from Thunder Bay. His parents were here in London (Mom needed some form of medical help at the hospital). His parents didn't have much money They spent most of what they had on plane tickets, food and accommodations while here in town. The board member (wish I could remember his name) mentioned that his parents were looking for a way to the airport. I told him not to worry and to give me the details of where and when. I picked up dad at the motel, went to the hospital and collected mom. Went for a breakfast and then off to the airport. I went into the airport with them, making sure they were checked in and ready to go. Said my good byes and felt great that I helped a member here at the site. That lead me to where I am now that I'm retired. I volunteer at the men's mission three days a week here in London. I want that same feeling that I helped someone that truly needs it. Dan...
    1 point
  10. Do not know of the Zoo,but heard of it. I joined up when I got my first PC. Got an invite to join on O F N. A great lady invited me. And here I am still,yet she is not. Miss ya Joey. 🙏
    1 point
  11. Want to share with you guys something I found at a yard sale. I had no idea they made them this big. I'm used to using the little guys (not sure of the number) about 2 - 2 1/2 in. long for trout, perch, white fish etc. and have had nothing but good success with them. I told the guy having the sale, this for deep sea fishing, he say's yeah, real deep. Any way after our chuckle I got it and an arm full of other goodies for three bucks. I wish he'd had the rod and reel that was used to jig it. Not that I'll ever use it except in my dreams but a cool wall piece.
    1 point
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