A number of years ago I had an opportunity to go to Duncanby Lodge at Rivers Inlet BC.
Duncanby Lodge
I won the the trip through a promotion at one of my suppliers; I could have never afforded this trip on my own. That being said, it was an amazing fishing trip! I won't go into the lodge's accommodations, staff, 5 star meals from the kitchens, or the guides we had. Just check out the site. The fishing was unbelievably crazy. Huge salmon, numbers of Rock fish and then bringing up a Halibut from 300 FOW is unforgettable! Flew into Vancouver, spent the night, next morning got on a seaplane and flew to Northern BC to the lodge. One of the guys (a friend from here in London) that was on the boat with me caught a Tyee (A Salmon over 30 inches) and released it. The lodge promoted this by giving a hand carved wooden reel to whoever did this.
My brother in-law lives in BC and wouldn't know which end of a fishing pole to hold. Such a great fishery that he's never thought of as a thing to do with his son, let alone for himself???