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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2023 in all areas

  1. I know im long long longggg overdue for a report, but planning a wedding, renovating a house, work and of course fishing get in the way. Welcome to the thread where you can complain about the ice conditions on your local water hole. This fish may be one of only a handful of laketrout caught through a hole in the ice on the great lakes this year. You would think -31 degree temperatures would freeze water, instead we managed to lose ice this past weekend due to the intense wind, breaking up about 300 yards of ice, while also flooding the ice that I was fishing on with 6+inches of water. All i can say is, thank god for my (now defunct) Kast steelhead gloves that allowed for me to pull my tent's pegs out of the ice while they were under 4 inches of water in -22 with dry warm hands. The walk home through that knee deep snow and water was absolute hell, the slush instantly freezing to the bottom of my sled making a 300 meter walk back to the truck taking over half an hour. I actually started laughing maniacly at one point while trying to pack up my already busted up tent, the broken pole within managed to twist itself inside of another set of poles making it effectively impossible to fold away entirely without entirely re-deploying the tent, which was now impossible due to the 60kmh winds and water on the ice. I gave up, folded it best as i could into a pile on the sled and strapped it down. I found ice that ranged in depth from 8 inches to 2 50 meters apart from one spot to the next...at this rate we will be boating in no time.
    1 point
  2. I'm gonna try this one more time in case of a fluke. The next one will be of a fish, a lunker. In other words don't expect to see another one any time soon.
    1 point
  3. You're right, ketchup it is! HH
    1 point
  4. Hi all, Got out for some walleye yesterday afternoon, not much happened for 3 hours until a brief window of opportunity opened as the sun hit the tree line, beautiful sunny day, only around -3C and despite a fairly stiff wind I was well sheltered on my chosen spot. Bite lasted 20 minutes or so before it switched off ass quickly as it started.
    1 point
  5. Hence the phrase, being in the right place at the right time. Very nice, good goin.
    1 point
  6. Another great little escape I appreciate you sharing with us
    1 point
  7. Check out the OMNR on-line tool: https://www.lioapplications.lrc.gov.on.ca/fishonline/Index.html?viewer=FishONLine.FishONLine&locale=en-CA Looks like there's a bit of everything in there including Pike, both Bass, Whitefish, Cisco and Smelt. What caught my attention is that it's been stocked with Walleye in the past...most recently in 2017 with almost 20,000 fry. They or their progeny may still be swimming around. You'll also see the depth contours...looks like a couple of long points leading in to deep water...probably a good starting point. FYI, if you have Navionics there's a chart there too. Best of luck !
    1 point
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