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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2023 in all areas

  1. Besides all the environmental hullabaloo around oil, I do think it's prudent that we in Ontario create and control our own energy sources. That's why building five new nuke plants in this Province and the electrification of our economy should be a priority. Yes, we are all Canadians...and we should all be caring and sharing. I don't have anything against the hard working people of Alberta...however, their politicians...well, let's just say I'm old enough to remember Klein telling us..."let those eastern bas**rds freeze in the dark".
    2 points
  2. Managed to squeeze in another short session, glad I did, we had fish Tacos for supper. Some nice size ones too, which made up for not getting my limit.
    1 point
  3. Well he is quite understandable in this video.
    1 point
  4. Sigh…still waiting for ice. thanks for the fish porn while I wait
    1 point
  5. Nice.. those are huge.. funny enough.. Ive never caught one!
    1 point
  6. Hear you Cliff. Happy with both our Santa Fe's in the snow. Previous to the Santa Fe's we had a 2008 Hyundai Accent. It was Debs back and forth to work car. Hardly ever got on the highway. She complained once in awhile how terrible it was in icy conditions but it was an in town only car that rarely travelled more then 10-15KM a day so we lived with it. Once we got the 2013 Santa Fe she loved sitting in a higher vehicle and the better/safer driving it gave us. And we swore we would never get another smaller car. Having said all that the Accent served us well and was reliable for how we used it, which is why we stuck with Hyundai.
    1 point
  7. It all comes down to the government we choose to elect based on their promises and policy. I remember back around 2000 that emission standards for snowmobiles were introduced. Manufacturers were warned and developed cleaner machines. Hence the 4 stroke and super clean 2 strokes. Government can only require what is possible though and they are pushing and waiting for electric. On the same note, when they offered a good 4 stroke snowmobile I bought one. It saved me a bunch of money on oil and fuel and performed.
    1 point
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