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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2023 in all areas

  1. There is some truth to this. Some folks go for years trying to find the perfect fishing partner, I married mine. After 52 years she's kicking my butt more frequently, catching more and bigger fish than me. (She had a good teacher, Haha) Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to post a couple pics I wanted of her with a ten pound walleye and a forty pound chinook. Hopefully she doesn't see this as she will start rubbing it in again. LOL.
    2 points
  2. Arctic Char may be one of, if not the most beautiful fish swimming in Canada's far north saltwater ocean and freshwater lakes and rivers. Chances to travel up to Nunavut from 2008 to 2022, some here may remember how I fell in love with everything about the lake trout and especially Arctic char found there. "A Nunavut Nomad" is a series of 9 different stories told of my experiences for Arctic Char. A sample of all these stories plus information for trip planning, gear selection, weight calculation, and thoughts on the relationship between both Dolly Varden & Arctic Char is also included in the write-up; as these are insights into some questions more often asked by anglers who have messaged in the past. As far as it goes for Arctic Char trip reporting, photography and information, the combined work may be the most complete package to be found online, anywhere. So if Arctic Char, Nunavut and adventure interest you, take a look. Link here: FISHING CANADA'S ARCTIC CHAR Thanks and best of luck in 2023. 🙂 Bunk.
    2 points
  3. And carrying to a back lake where you have a boat cached
    1 point
  4. And when we run out of child mined lithium, then what?
    1 point
  5. We call it the Beaverton Bellagio. The "Beaverton Motel Sorts Bar & Grill" What a dive it was, I say was, because they were doing renos when I was there. Got there and there's no office to check in at? Went to the bar that was in the basement and asked where I could get my room. I was asked how long I wanted the room for? I said for the night; she gave me a strange look? She then went and got a key and I paid for the night. Thought that while I was in a bar I'd have a drink. Asked the bar tender for a Rusty Nail (Scotch and Drambuie); she had no idea what that was; come-on your a bar tender? While having my drink two "ladies" came over and sat next to me, one on either side. OK Now I understand why I was asked how long I need the room for. LOL. Told the both of them I wasn't interested and they left as soon as a couple of other guys walked in. LOL Went to the room and there was unmade beds, a pizza box with a half eaten pizza in it. Condom wrappers on the bed stand (Safe sex you know). What the hell am I going to do? I went to the truck got my air mattress and sleeping bag. First sign of light the next morning I was out of there. LOL After that I decided I would sleep in the fish hut. I was warm and it was my dirt in there!!!! Dan...
    1 point
  6. I'm very fortunate that my wife loves to join in on my fishing trips. She even outfishes me once in a while.
    1 point
  7. https://www.barrietoday.com/local-news/going-back-to-1852-monitoring-ice-on-kempenfelt-bay-was-big-news-3301277 https://barrie.ctvnews.ca/warm-weather-delays-ice-fishing-season-in-parts-of-central-ontario-1.6212335
    1 point
  8. I hope it works out dave, was speaking with Doug Gillham meteorologist from the weather network and we are quickly approaching the lowest ice coverage year in the recorded history of the Great Lakes. not good, not good at all.
    1 point
  9. Well the women I know who fish most certainly do. I'd post some pictures of them doing so but I don't have their permission....yet. Well wait, there's one and she's my daughter so here ya go. She's been a strong headed self determined individual all the way back to her diaper filling days. And she fishes out of the one man portable Ice hut I built almost 4 decades ago. *Note.....she also caught the Channel Cats, she just wouldn't hold them. 😆
    1 point
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