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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/2022 in all areas

  1. As a veterinarian, I am glad Ontario put restrictions on Pit Bulls. The problem is the breed is poorly defined. Crossbreeds, Staffordshire crosses etc. Mastif type dogs are related. Of course owners that are kind and firm will have better outcomes with their Bullies. Training and leadership are necessary for all breeds but especially the potentially aggressive breeds. Most human and inter dog attacks are by intact males. Not long ago most dogs were bred for a job. Herding, guarding, fighting, hunting etc. In the last century dogs became pets and became part of the family. The traits originally selected for are still within the breeds. Without training and discipline these traits can come to the fore. Bullies and mastifs have powerful bites and tend to hold on, resulting in terrible damage to the victim. When several dogs are together, especially if not neutered, their aggression is increased. Leaving kids, especially small ones, unattended with any dog involves risk. That risk is much highly with Pitt Bulls and several other breeds. Especially if not neutered. My 2 cents. Peter.
    5 points
  2. I was at one of my suppliers when one of their employees approached me and asked if I had fishing rods stolen. I replied yes in deed I have. Well this guy found some rods near his house last October and reported it to the police. I got his name and phone number and went to the police station. At first, with me being me, demanding they go through their recovered property and see if they have my rods. Emails went back and forth to the point they said the items I was looking for were not recovered and it must have been mistaken. Well, a week goes by, low and behold, I receive another email from the stolen property recovery stating they in fact DO HAVE MY RODS. With the description and photos submitted, it was without a doubt, my property the email said. I go to the station and was quickly reunited with my fishing rods! Everything in tact, only, my IMX tip top guide is missing the SIC insert. The police had them in their possession 4 days after reported stolen! 😳 Bottom line.... I'M HAPPY TO HAVE MY HIGH END RODS BACK! CHEERS...
    1 point
  3. My jack stands are about 10x10 at the base and unless you are doing gymnastics or something with your partner we don't need to know about, no, they have never moved.
    1 point
  4. Well I am pleased to report that I got a full refund, it took some doing but I had all the facts on my side including security footage of FedEx delivering the package at 1:22 the day before it was supposed to be. Even my credit card company was in the process of launching a dispute on my behalf but it seems a complaint with the BBB was the incentive for them to issue the refund. 😁
    1 point
  5. I’m pretty sure Dara’s post was intended as a friendly reference to “A Christmas Story”
    1 point
  6. I have oak, ash, white pine some maple on my property. Fortunately no ash near the building. Not there year round but when there in colder months heat with oak and ash that has been split and dried for a year. Dry hard wood gives more heat and less creosote. I have more ash at the back and when they are dead I too hope the ash borer does not move to other trees.
    1 point
  7. Like all dogs…the owners are to blame the point is that pit bulls attract a certain type of owner
    1 point
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