So I was supposed to go ice fishing Thursday morning. Went outside, my steps and driveway were glare ice from freezing drizzle. But it looked like that was over, so off I went. About ten minutes away on the 401, and no the freezing drizzle had not stopped at all, I decided this was fairly retarded and turned around.
BUT!!! I was counting on a feed of fresh perch for supper. I do have a couple bags of fillets in the freezer, but I freeze them in water, and no way they would be thawed by supper. So>>>>>>I picked out a small package, about a pound, of halibut from my BC trip. My favourite way to eat hali is to wrap chunks in bacon and cook it in the oven, but I thought I would try something different. So I sliced it into skinless trips, coated it with Fish Crisp, and pan-fried the strips. AWESOME. Very "meaty", two strips was enough for me for a meal. And yesterday for lunch they made a delicious sandwich, cold, with mayo and lettuce. My new go-go halibut recipe. And this time I did take pics! 😁