Popa Chubby’s Hey Joe. I’ve seen his name advertised at several bluesfests and never got the chance to see him, but after seeing this vid, I will not miss the opportunity. If you like strong Hendrix songs by the likes of SRV or Kenny Wayne Shepherd, you will probably like this one. Very strong player
those are real pretty Brian. If you need a set of bearings and they are hard to ship to Canada let me know and I will order and repackage in the USPS route for you.
Not long back from my second ever Algonquin adventure
We spent 3 days and 2 nights in the park - putting in at Rock Lake and making our way to Clydegale lake
It was an awesome time although the fishing was a bit of a bust - not the parks fault, blame lays squarely on the anglers lol
As a GTAer I am always amazed at the beauty and remoteness of Algonquin - it was around 3.5 hours from Mississauga to Rock Lake but once we crossed into Pen Lake its like being in a different world