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  1. I have my 50 Chevy 2 door sedan to work on, as soon as I get it back from the body shop. I have 45 years of tinkering, building, repairing and fabricating; all of that is in my blood. Going to miss all the equipment; but when I started, I didn't have that stuff and still built cars. Once things get settled; I've been thinking of building an air boat. Be good for water, sketchy Ice and pissing everyone around me off with the noise. LOL Dan.
    2 points
  2. Went to Rideau PP this week. A very weedy river. Boat launch was good but the Wardens didn't want you leaving your boat in the water because all the other boats wouldn't have a place to dock. Didn't see many other boats fishing! Managed to catch my PB pickeral in the first ten minutes of fishing with a worm harness. Slowed down after that. Later on I caught my PB muskie and my first one outside of the Otonabee river. Very nice. A good pike followed. The fishing wasn't fast and furious during the day but the evening bite was way better. Lots of big boat traffic and they don't slow down. Lots of big wakes shaking you up. I liked Murphys Point PP better as there were multiple bays around to fish in. Still it was a good trip.
    1 point
  3. Had a great day on the water yesterday! Got into some Bass and real nice Crappie early on……..and then finally Mr. Whiskers came out to play! I had a blast with this ol’ boy on light spinning tackle! Drop shot rig and Gulp minnow gets it done! IMG_1396.MOV
    1 point
  4. Jeff Phillips from https://www.smoking-meat.com just came out with a time/temp chart for smoking so I figured I'd post it here. It's includes chef recommended temps as well.
    1 point
  5. LOL. Oh you will get yer ears full there buddy. Mostly from those that are pissed they cant get out and you can. There are a few Americans that do it on the east side of Simcoe in the late season of ice. Heard guys gypping about the noise. I think it,s cuz they are smarter then the average Canadian bear. Sit back,put yer feet up and chill. You will find a way to enjoy the rest of yer life. My pop keeps busy with the Sunridge gun club. He is one of the marshal's now. He keeps the place neat and tidy as well collects all the brass casings, polish them and reloads or sells. Busy guy . Still gets the dig,s in saying, today is Saturday, why am I working and not fishing. That Is on a Monday to Friday. LOL
    1 point
  6. Can you believe it . The powers to be,have made it almost impossible for canadians to re-enter their country un less you have an app (arrivcan) on your mobile device or laptop. These are the same guys that tell us we are being ripped off by the high charges of internet and mobile charges and at the same time promote their services as the only method for re-entry Pathetic Rant over and out
    1 point
  7. And I will add my rant as well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Need to head down to BPS to get the fly materials I need . Up here at Cabeals is unreal. Sad really . I asked the guy why you have everything here and not the Barrie store.? Why do have packaging with Cabelas on it ? All I got was, I do not know why they do not have the same stock, and as far as the name thing,BPS will be changing to Cabelas . Yes owned by BPS,but the name Cabelas will be out front soon . My 30/30 electric is old and crapping out and finding them anywhere is almost non. They had 2. I grabbed one as they said stock will not be coming in for months. 1 or 2 at a time at best . I wanted the dura max with the battery control, but beggars can not be choosers right now. Time on the water is precious.
    1 point
  8. Thanks for the advice and tips , fishing did pick up, we got em in the thick slop . Punching jigs through the thick mats produced lots of 1.5-2lbers . Kid had a blast .
    1 point
  9. I spend the money I used to spend on razors, on tackle!🤪
    1 point
  10. You are one up on me....our hair lady is booked for three months...I am too old to call it hockey hair...
    1 point
  11. I hope you ate MR whiskers.Sure looks for a good candidate for blackened catfish
    1 point
  12. Sounds weird Terry, but you and your Wife were in my dreams the night before! Lol
    1 point
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