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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2021 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. My attention span is typically pretty bad - except for fishing Recently I spent an few hours in the rain at the cottage just casting - with only a small rock bass to show for it - yet I kept on going As I pondered why I came to the conclusion that its because I am waiting for the unexpected, the fluke or the monster sitting just off that one lily pad Its a fishing memory post about some of my favorites unexpected fish from a fly in, musky fishing in Hali and off the dock in Muskoka https://www.northernjacks.com/post/the-unexpected Cheers Andrew
    2 points
  3. Your deck looks real good and sometimes it's worth it to bite the bullet and do what we want rather than wait for a price drop that may never come.
    1 point
  4. Lake Okeechobee was dammed in 1937 to help with flood control. It is a shallow lake that used to filter off into the everglades. As more of the everglades were turned into sugar cane fields they used canals to move the water instead of wetlands thus making filtration minimum at best. They then started discharging it down the Kissimmee River which runs quickly to the Gulf of Mexico. The resulting blooms of green algae were kill zones in the river and as it got into the Gulf it makes red algae blooms. The State of Florida is trying to release water much in the way Lake Nippissing does to lower the water gradually in the fall or spring to make room for more rain as they go into the rain season. This is not a new issue and this happens all over the place from New York to Florida where chemical intrusions occur. Art
    1 point
  5. The red tide is actually not something that is new. It is not weather related but rather from over abundance of nutrients. " 215 million gallons of nitrogen-rich wastewater made its way into the bay earlier this year from the site of an old fertilizer plant, the Tampa Bay Times reported. The algae feed on phosphorus and nitrogen." The Florida conservation core has been working with the holding lakes and trying not to draw them down unless they are full from to much rain. This water used to flow through the everglades and nature filtered it out before it bloomed. With Big Sugar using more of the land for Sugar Cane the filtering has become to low to cure the issue. They are trying to return more of the land back to being the filter but it will take time and effort to make the red and green algae blooms go away. Art
    1 point
  6. We got smoked…one of the toughest days of fishing I’ve had on that lake, and when we finally hooked a couple of decent ones, we lost them. im still waiting for the day when, as Dave Chong says, “everything has to go right” ive yet to have a day competitively where we haven’t lost our big fish. It stings hahaha.
    1 point
  7. I hope so too! Hahahaha We went not even knowing if there were bass at all. Turns out there was, and they were eating frogs. It was awesome!
    1 point
  8. I'd like to introduce you to Bluegill Rodworks, my rod building venture. My favorite rods to build are fiberglass fly rods, wrapped with a very simple style. I also enjoy restoration work, some of those classic rods still have lots of life left in them and clean up pretty good. I'm willing to tackle pretty much any build, from fly to spinning to casting rods, so give me a shout if you have a project in mind. Fair warning though, if you're looking for something specialized (such as centerpin or spey) I might redirect you to someone with more experience in those areas. If you'd like to know what I'm working on feel free to follow my page on Facebook
    1 point
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