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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2021 in all areas

  1. $6 a dozen...That's $0.50 each worm...Cripes ! eggs don't cost that much (yet)... When worms cost $3 I switched to tiny tubes for the kids...They were just as happy and not so many "ews and yucks" and tubes worked well for panfish and the odd bass... The young lady in the first pictures liked fishing so much she asked Santa for a rod and reel for Christmas !
    3 points
  2. Been fishing almost exclusively for musky this past week by myself and two evenings with a Father and son staying at Indian Point Camp where I guide from time to time. I’m relatively new to the musky game, and scoffed at people when they told me it’s addictive, I have to admit I have an addiction…. 😂. Been raising fish, follows, and heartbreaking losses before getting the net under them, too many to even put a number to, but did put some in the boat.
    1 point
  3. When I backwash the pool they come up in broad daylight. Chlorine in the water does it i think.. bought worms a month ago for $4 a dozen..
    1 point
  4. Too late to help now, but I thought I'd post to maybe help someone in the future. For years now I have just went out in the morning after a rain in the spring and collected them off the roads before the birds and the traffic get them. I then pick moss growing in my backyard and mix it in a bowl with cornmeal for the worms to eat. I have 2 large peanut butter jars and fill them with the moss/cornmeal mixture. I put 5 dozen worms in each jar and the jars with small air holes punched in the lids go in the fridge. I check every couple of weeks and if needed I add new moss or more water for moisture or more cornmeal for food. I have these in my fridge at home and the cottage from the end of April until October and have not bought any worms from anyone for years.
    1 point
  5. It would have been fun catching that from your pontoon boat.
    1 point
  6. Some nice fish there Simon and just for a comparison to help you guesstimate the size of that last one here's a fish that was accurately measured at 54.5 inches.
    1 point
  7. I never got a tape on it, it was such a shambles netting and unhooking all by myself in almost complete darkness I thought it best to get it in the water again ASAP, it swam away happily. My initial thoughts were over 50”, and looking at the picture my guess is well over 50”. It’s head across the top from gill plate to gill plate must have been 9”, a really scary beast! I’m 6’2” and if I held it up it would come up to my chest at least, I think it was just under 60” but I guess I’ll never know or be able to prove it, but I’m counting myself in the over 50” no matter what anyone says.
    1 point
  8. beauties! especially the 3rd one. After fishing almost exclusively for muskies the past 20 years I gotta admit, a bit of a salmon obsession is creeping in on me now as well
    1 point
  9. Beauty trophies... Oh boy, you are fishing so far away from me
    1 point
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