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  1. the capilano river is full of fish. Your timing is close to bang on with their run. If you want to make it easy on yourself you can fish it no problem. Guys fish both near the mouth and I personally fished up the river casting flies. Thats an easy solution but will never match taking a charter in Howe sound. Honestly, getting out on a boat a lot of the time is like killing 6 birds with one stone. Youll get to go fishing, sight seeing, whale watching, nature watching plus a boat ride and a photography tour all in one. Howe sound may be one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen on the entire planet. Save up your pennies and make it happen.
    2 points
  2. Easiest is to just book a charter boat. There are several operating out of downtown Vancouver. I have no idea what they charge, but expect they would be comparable to what you would pay on Lake Ontario. August/September is fine for timing, you'll definitely get pinks and probably some coho. If you were to go over to the island you would definitely have more options, there are charters in pretty well every town and village.
    2 points
  3. Reach out to Fishing With Rod (Rodney) either through Youtube or his website. The guy is super nice & very knowledgeable, always eager to help.
    2 points
  4. I am from BC , my family is still out there and I visit twice a year. As Craig pointed out, there is a lot more opportunity on Vancouver Island. Fishing from shore in Vancouver is very challenging, fishing for salmon around Vancouver period can be a challenge compared to the island. Suggestions would be to hit a river or river mouth, but my best suggestion would be to head to the island, and you can rent your own boat. Fishing regulations change almost monthly out there, carefully read them and check social media for recent changes. I can help you out with gear once we find out where you will be going.
    1 point
  5. Two Years ago I had the chance to fish the west cost of BC; stayed at Duncanby Lodge. Duncanby Lodge What a rush it was. We arrived at about 2pm, given a room and our fishing gear. Rubber boots, rain paints, coat and lifejacket. We were on one of the many guided boats; with the riggers set up by 3. Fished till 6, then came in for an orientation/greeting supper. Next morning at day break we were back out, fished for 4 hours, lunch and then back out till 6 again. Trolling in approx 100FOW. 35-60 feet down; depending what area and the guide's suggestions. Dragged mostly spoons and body baits. Were were allowed 4 kings in our possession for take home. Once you had your 4 fish you were done fishing salmon; not even catch and release after you got your possession limit. Not sure if that was a provincial law or Duncanby's policy? Our guide said they didn't want to have to release a mortally injured king. The Duncanby owner and his stall were very knowledgeable and conservation minded. The one thing that they did to promote catch and release was to offer a hand carved reel to anyone that caught a "Tyee" (A 30lb + King/Coco) and live release it. Jay one of the guy's in our boat got a 32lb and I can see why they want those big fish allowed to swim free. The one's I landed ranged from 18 to 25lbs and what an amazing fight. Using barbless hooks meant that if you gave the fish a moment of slack; it was gone! Guess how I know that to be a fact. LOL I had a pile of other pictures showing the different baits that were used, along with the rock fish and and ling that we had caught; but something happed to my point and shoot and I cannot download them off the camera? Shame because I had videoed the Tyee's release from above and below the water. Once the fish was revived, it took off like it was shot out of a cannon. Dan.
    1 point
  6. Nope, it's gotta be in their territory or treaty. Everywhere else the normal FMZ rules need to be followed.
    1 point
  7. Terry does it all the time.LOL
    1 point
  8. I managed to get my daughter and her pup out for some Cat fishing, she (my daughter, not the pup) has never caught one. She was successful, me, not so much. She managed 2 good sized Bullheads and 3 Channel Cats and one small Goat (that's for you JGM, Baaaaah!). The largest cat she was not willing to hold.
    1 point
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