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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2020 in all areas

  1. Still remember the year Terry and I ventured out on Little lake . There was a post later that day of a sighting of a red pop up, and how crazy we were to be out there. Little did they know,we were on a solid 4". Oh, that was in November. LOL Think that is the longest ice season we ever fished . Ended mid April .
    2 points
  2. Lighten the mood a bit.... HH VID-20201218-WA0001.mp4
    1 point
  3. When faced with conflicting and or threatening information, some people stick their heads in the sand. One's reality is based on their observations. Some will question a narrative, some will just accept what they are being told. What is true for you is what you're willing to accept. On this forum and many other forums around the world, many are undecided. If this pic is any indication of a side effect, I may just wait a while.
    1 point
  4. You mean obtain accreditation from a post secondary institution and then obtain a doctorate that allows for you to formally document your paper. Conduct a significant study and then publish it for peer review by other scientists. Upon approval you can then publish your findings...or do you mean just watch a bunch of YouTube? the thought of non medical professionals conducting their own research to become enlightened and “woke” on how to treat disease is dangerous. go, talk to your doctor, and then go and seek a second, third even fourth opinion in person and then you can make an informed decision.
    1 point
  5. Be careful on that new ice guys, a young boy died after falling through thin ice in MIlton yesterday.
    0 points
  6. I'll just leave this here. Medical common sense, not fear mongering from big pharma and politicians. https://rumble.com/vbq6jx-dr.-anthony-faucis-ex-employee-was-jailed-finally-tells-all.-censored-by-yo.html?fbclid=IwAR35pB0aVlsxJBGxNXpv3fRekOHG1_hh3AvXMklrjIuOo60LQYi1VxE32Cw
    0 points
  7. I got the Rona in mid January and have not fully recovered. My dad moved into a LTC 2 days before it was shut down and had no visitors for many months and he went down hill fast because of it. July 11th my pup died. November 13th my dad died 2021 can't be any worse. 😪
    0 points
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