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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2020 in all areas

  1. It's bin awhile , was off the whole summer due to layoff because of covid, been back since mid Aug working from home, but bringing this thread back to life, I've smoked a lot lately ( at least once a week ) here's a few I've done lately...I finish off the smoked burgers on the BBQ, this is a reverse sear, I do it for steaks and chops also....enjoy so in order Pinapple jalapeno marinated beer can chicken pizza attachement for my smoker Brisket smoker pizza Jalapeno dr pepper jerky pork shoulder smoked burgers ready for the BBQ
    3 points
  2. Oh god. There is an image I don’t want in my head
    1 point
  3. I always say if you can't fish with confidence, fish with determination. Just chuck n' wind lol.
    1 point
  4. Looked out the window awhile ago and see this little fox digging around what's left of a flower bed. Always nice to have the local critters stop by.
    1 point
  5. It's a good time to loosen the drags on reels we won't be using for a while. HH
    1 point
  6. Tonight's going to be YUGE!!!! https://www.tvo.org/about/alternative-viewing-premiere-november-3-2020-dont-miss-tvo-original-picture-my-face-the-story-of?fbclid=IwAR2VE3M1dg2uVIKlvq57gC6NxHsH8ThyG6CC6qbrlcf9UB-e6hP9Pp_qiSQ
    1 point
  7. Here's a fox in the chicken coop story. When I was a kid on the farm, Dad raised chickens for the eggs. One night he heard a bunch of squawking coming from the coop. He grabs the shotgun and out he goes. When he opens the coop's door there was it was a red fox in the corner; with a chicken in its mouth. Dad raises the gun and pulls the trigger; just as the fox made a dart to the hole he dug under the wall. Dad missed the fox; but shot the chicken that the fox dropped. LOL We teased Dad about that for the next 50 years of his life. Been fox or should I say chicken hunting lately Dad? OH man do I miss the old bugger. Dan
    1 point
  8. The neighbourhood cat came to our place last week with her babies. They do a good job taking care of our leftovers.
    1 point
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