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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2020 in all areas

  1. What an ignorant reply. Brutal.
    5 points
  2. Took my neighbour to try and get him his first Lake Trout through the ice. He got A nice one, job done! We lost a few more fish and I got some whitefish. The pike were everywhere on my spot that day, got some nice ones in the mid 30”s. We have been planning to go fishing for 3 years, lol, finally made it. Jared had a nice trout supper with his family, and my crew got whitefish soup.
    4 points
  3. Sorry for posting 3?times in a row; but wanted to share this. A birthday card from my daughter. Yep 60 a few days ago. Dan.
    4 points
  4. Real good article on genetic testing done on the Eastern Coyote http://theconversation.com/yes-eastern-coyotes-are-hybrids-but-the-coywolf-is-not-a-thing-50368?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=facebookbutton
    3 points
  5. Going for a swim in cold water isn't a death sentence. Some people actually do it for fun! Fact is, if your aware of the risks and are prepared to deal with a dunking, taking advantage of early ice can be very rewarding, even if you do get wet once in a blue moon. Actually, I would go as far as to encourage folks to step out of their comfort zone and even intentionally go for a dunk through the ice(under controlled conditions, shallow water and saftey rope)! Getting a real life understanding of how your suit and saftey gear functions will make you that much more comfortable if something unexpected does happen.... Josh
    2 points
  6. Glad you are ok, scary stuff for sure. Thanks for posting, takes courage to admit a mistake, especially on a public forum. Personally I think you took good precautions and its one of those things where the saying 'no ice is safe ice' rings true, could happen to any of us out there braving the elements to get our fix.
    2 points
  7. As per usual, your reading and comprehension skills are in line with your normal single thought process. As for the rest, I didn’t read it. Like usual, your comment will be ignored by 99% of the forum readers. I’m embarrassed for you. Unless you really are a grade 5 kid then: good job!!! Lol
    1 point
  8. That was worth the read, thanks Smitty. Bigger coyote = bigger target......... Doug
    1 point
  9. Got a bit more done on Bob (sled). A coat of paint and the puck board attached to the bottom of the skies. 3/4” puck board does not like to bend easily; not without a lot of heat. Thought I was going to burn out my heat gun. but it seems to have worked out? Dan.
    1 point
  10. Never in a million years would I trade Ceci. He's got to be in the top 5 of the greatest Leaf defenders of all time.
    1 point
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