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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2019 in all areas

  1. You mean to tell me that there isn't hot singles in my area that are dying to meet me?
    2 points
  2. I don't see how what babs did to Marner could ever be a constructive exercise for the team, it's divisive and ignorant I'm thinking babs is a monster and we wasted a lot of time having him as our coach O Dog just polled some former players under babs, they all said he's a terrible person
    2 points
  3. It's been in the books for a long time, same as leaving an open "hole" where people can fall in in construction sites.
    1 point
  4. This is an Ontario fishing forum after all. And the leafs fan base is the biggest in the entire NHL, so it’s not surprising there is a disproportionate amount of leafs chatter, but matt is the only Ottawa fan here lol the ratios don’t add up. I think we know why!
    1 point
  5. WHAT?? You're the same Laffite fan that was praising Babs as the second coming, the fix all of fixers,,,,,the savior lmao...….What a load of crap. The dysfunctional laffs and their desperate for a win fans are so out to lunch it's comical. Babs probably has a totally different recollection of how this went sour and ended up in this never ending dumpster fire that is the laffs. From what I see you had a coach come over from a classy org like the Wings and went to a bottom dwelling, poorly built team full of young, unproven spoiled teenagers who think their sh*@ doesn't stink. Add to that no defence and no goaltending and what was Babs supposed to do? Whining Matthews wants more ice time, whining Marner wants more money, whining Nylander wants more money......then all the little grit you had is traded away and what do you have? A dysfunctional group of wannabe superstars that you can't coach and a GM who can't even grow facial hair who built a weak, sniffling whining team. And you blame the coach?????????
    1 point
  6. I have a paypal account and it is fine. I make a lot of purchases with it and have it tied to a credit card. I do not have it tied into my bank account because of the possibility of them getting into my money. If you do want to sell on E bay or some of the other platforms it is better to just open a bank account that has just a minimum of money in it. Art
    1 point
  7. Love that show. I love saltwater fish. i know swordfish and Tuna are full of mercury but damn they taste good. Everything in moderation I guess
    1 point
  8. Really eh!!? We should stop caring all together and Ontario could have two teams with listless, fairweather fans!! lol Aki is extreme but at least he has passion!! Sure beats jousting with the empty seat brigade!!
    1 point
  9. There's more than just a little irony in that statement.
    1 point
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