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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2019 in all areas

  1. Cool i like the way it makes your face, hands , butt and legs disappear
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. I never became a fan of ice fishing, just something I never took an interest in. My Grandparents had a water front home on Simcoe for years and had a hut that I think I used once and my brother had a waterfront home on Scugog with a hut also that I used once. Went out with the boys from this site a few times but again no interest. Staring down a hole in the ice all day just never became my thing I spose.
    2 points
  5. I have heard of a few Musky caught by guys fishing Largemouth in Long Point Bay the last few years. I have not heard of anyone targeting them specifically. Talk about Lake Erie news. I was up all night during that 100 year storm on Halloween. Winds were measured to have been gusting at 150 KPH's. Many homes and cottages had up to 4' of water in them and they are 70 or more feet across Lakeshore road from the lake. My buddies large deck that was built by his Dad in the early 60's ended up on the neighbours lawn 4 door down the road. Another pals old place (RIP Big Show) that his daughter now has has an 80' Willow tree in the living room. With all the torrential rain it might be a write off. Numerous friends and neighbours lost shingles and rain soaked through to the drywall. The county brought out the snow graders back hoes and loaders to clear huge logs, pieces of boathouses, boats, boat lifts and decks as well as the foot or more of sand and mud on Lakeshore road. They are still working today scooping out debris in the drainage ditches. We faired pretty well. a dead Ash tree on the bank snapped about 4' above the roots and was stopped from hitting our place by a small branch on a Maple tree or we would have had a major problem. My boat cover was ripped open and when it isn't blowing here I need to get the Zebra Mussels off the seats and dash. Lost a small section of grass on the bank but no big deal, not a shingle lost. When I had the roof done 5 years ago I insisted the contractor fasten all the shingles down as it said in that little piece of paper no one reads when they tear open a bundle. I was up all night, I thought we were. I thought we were on our way to Kansas. We got lucky. By the way or cottage is listed for sale. To see it just Google 16 Hoover Point Lane Selkirk On. My wife did a beautiful job decorating or as they say staging it. My credit card has more damage on it than that storm. Johnny D
    1 point
  6. Yep.. exactly what I stated in regards to Cougars.. read it again. I know they are there and the MNR brought them back, blue and pink collars and all !
    1 point
  7. Is that a pack of menthols in her pocket?
    1 point
  8. had both in my back yard made the most of it
    1 point
  9. My biggest pike. Was a blast to reel in!
    1 point
  10. Sitting in a nice warm hut on Simco, a pot of chicken noodle soup simmering on the stove, a big bag of home made jerky and those beautiful big Simco perch hammering your line....... come on hard water 😊
    1 point
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