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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi Boyz, we're up on the West Arm of Nippising for our annual trip We're 2 miles in off the hwy and there's always plenty of critters and always good to see them. Sunday we had 2 moose on the road right in front of us and then this morning while on my daily 4 mile walk I came on this big girl just off the road. She wasn't the least bit concerned with me being there and just went on with eating her breakfast. Thought you might enjoy the pictures.
    3 points
  2. Agreed... can you imagine the uproar that the "Spotted Carp" crew would raise if they closed the trout season until well after spawn? They wouldn't be able to refine their flossing techniques or a s mentioned, toss the eggless body back in the drink. Where would the fun be? HH
    1 point
  3. Agreed. I’ve raised that question many times in the past and nobody can give me a reasonable explanation. Personally, I think it’s a case of tradition and what we were all raised to believe. Just imagine catching a big female bass, massaging her eggs out into a jar and tossing her back in. Guys would loose their minds....rightfully so too.
    1 point
  4. Yup.... The price per barrel should be reflected at the pumps.. It's definitely not.
    1 point
  5. Brian, you can import smoked whitefish to Kingston, no problems................?
    1 point
  6. Buy the best one you can find, you will likely regret buying an el cheapo. Cheers
    1 point
  7. Well, read this thread and was almost worried it might be like shooting fish in a barrel but squeezed in an hour this morning shore fishing the Otonobee river. Bass weren’t biting, none caught or seen. Mosquitoes were much more obliging and showed up in droves.
    1 point
  8. Whether someone decides to target spawning bass or not is a personal decision and if it's done during the open season, not a legal issue. Getting sick over it?? Please. The damage to spawning fish/fry caused by severely fluctuating water levels, shoreline construction, pollution, or cormorants, are vastly worst for bass vs catch and release of a bedding bass. Personally, I avoid them if possible. The funny thing is, people think by fishing out in deeper water and not sight fishing, they're good Samaritans. Truth is, in clear water, smallies spawn out in as much as 25' of water...and at that depth they usually spawn later than shallow fish. So while the deep guy is throwing tubes and judging the shallow fisherman's ethics, there's a really good chance he's sticking active fish and bring them a lot further off the bed. Just saying...people are quick to judge based on what they think they know. Then go happily off to the river in the spring and catch bedding rainbows and milk them for bait because, well, they're ok with that. lol Because of the late spring and cooler water temps, If you're concerned about catching a spawning bass this year, better leave the rods in the garage until mid July. ?
    1 point
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