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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. They’re bass. There are plenty of them, they’re prolific and durable creatures. I don’t really spend much time fishing for them, but I can say with some certainty that they will be just fine! If they didn’t hold tournaments for them, people would just consider them big sunfish.
    2 points
  3. It's not the first time this has happened, and bass are somehow not extinct.
    2 points
  4. hello all!i am a nature nut and found this forum on a search looking for off grid info getting ready for early retirement,selling my home this fall and im dead serious about moving north,hopefully going off the grid. im either looking for a remote,private wilderness year round trailer park or a lot on a 4 season road,on or very near water....id like to get a travel trailer for my first couple years.then upgrade to a cabin that is off grid...id love to start with a small off grid package to power my trailer,a package i can later upgrade when i build a cottage.ideally,i would like to be in an unorganized township for low taxes and no need for permits.i would possibly consider taking over a lease of the crown from someone does anyone have any info on real estate,rv parks,off grid systems or help with any of my questions/.i would certainly appreciate any info i find myself feeling excitement i have not felt since i was a young man!its very welcome feeling!!!lol im looking for property anywhere between blind river and wawa
    1 point
  5. People said this about the cod on the Grand Banks, the West Coast salmon, moose here in Ontario, caribou in northern Quebec/Labrador, etc. For that matter a decade ago Ontario's biologists allowed up to six deer tags per hunter, and did not turn off the taps when the numbers started to crash. We had two bad winters in a row, and the deer, at least here in Southeastern Ontario, are only now getting back to a normal population. We humans are pretty effective harvesters of fish and game.........and when we KNOW that something is a poor practice conservation-wise, even if it is legal, we should try to help out the species when we can. Just sayin'...........
    1 point
  6. I won't be fishing them if they're on beds, but you know some guys will do whatever they can for those double fisted Facebook and Instagram hero shots.
    1 point
  7. You would have to go to another website to access the "PITA" cookbook
    1 point
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