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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2019 in all areas

  1. You guys need to think like a big perch. The wee ones are around weeds and such where small food items exist. Big perch are after shiners 1st and now will take gobies too. Don't find that so much in the shallows compared to deep drop offs where shiners come and go from. I have had 50 perch days with a companion with little sifting through dinks following this approach. As the schools travel around they seem to follow contours as we follow roads. You wouldn't look for a hamburger stand in a subdivision nor would big perch look for shiners in a shallow bay. Sure exceptions are the rule but I have had pretty good luck in deeper water close to deep water at funnel points they move through to get to food or to intercept food. Oh and 9 inches or larger is what we normally get.
    2 points
  2. I've had a bit of a rough patch for the last year and a half, loosing Sue really took it's toll on me, tried drowning my sorrows for a while, all that did was give me hangovers. Tried running away from things, that didn't work either. Thankfully my friends and family have stuck by me and I am starting to get myself sorted out! This winter has gone by so fast, the late ice on Simco kind of messed up my ice fishing plans, my son came down and we did manage to get out three times and get some perch but that was it for Simco. I had hoped to get out several times but..... Went to Mexico for a week in Feb.: that didn't work out so well, it had been years since I'd flown anywhere, massive confusion at the airport with all the new; scan this do that, sit and wait.... Got robbed on our second day there, some how they got into our room and into our safe (which the resort said couldn't be done) yup $2000.00 cash between my buddy and I gone and a watch his late wife had given him..... turned out we weren't the only ones, we found out several other people had similar problems and this was a 5 star resort. Resort wouldn't do anything, just kept saying they were investigating. Besides that the beaches were a mess with seaweed. Won't do that again!!!! Now on a brighter note; Went to Myrtle Beach from Feb. 24 to March 24, we were going to just do a road trip and tour around the South but when we got to Myrtle Beach I decided to go over to Apache Pier (I'd been there years ago and had a blast). I decided to ask if they had any rental units available in the camp ground and it turned out that they did (they call them " leisure Living units" which are really trailers type units on a permanent site. We managed to rent a really nice 2 bedroom for the month for $750.00, 3 minute walk to the pier, 5 minute drive to Walmart and all kinds of shopping. It wasn't as warm as Florida but there wasn't any snow and it wasn't busy. Fell in love with the place all over again, went pier fishing almost every day, caught whitings galore (a little fish crisp and deep fried, you can have your shrimp, this is MUCH better), crokers, shark, slicks, puffer fish, even a crab that decided to hang on to my bait and wouldn't let go. Met up with some really great guys, one of them lives just South of me, small world isn't it? Some of our neighbors that live in the park most of the year were kind enough to show us some of the local favorite dining spots etc.. If you ever see a place called "Mission" in your travels, Smoked meat sandwich with a side of slaw (don't bother ordering the fries the sandwich is a 1/2 lb of meat alone), best smoked meat I have ever had! I have already booked for all of next winter (Jan. Feb. March) but a slightly bigger 2 bedroom place (but 1 and 1/2 bathrooms) still only 3 minutes from the pier so..... ? Anyway, just thought I'd check in and try to catch up.
    1 point
  3. Can't believe that it has been over two years for Joeys passing. She took some amazing photos and was one of the sweetest ladies around. How are you doing Tybo??
    1 point
  4. She sure is Terry and the girls still wear the purple T-shirts in Joey's honour every year when we head north.
    1 point
  5. Contau Lake is where we'll be spending a week this summer.
    1 point
  6. I liked Doug McLean's first period feature on Nylander and how he won't get his shirt dirty. I can't believe Tavares hasn't told the kid. Hey if it's good enough for me to drive the net I expect you too as well. If the Leafs exit first round I expect Dumass to fall on his sword for the Nylander deal and his decision on Sparks vs McIllenney. Babcock has made it pretty clear that the goalie decision wasn't his.
    1 point
  7. Probably still huddled in the fetal position in a corner of a dark room.
    1 point
  8. Alright folks this is not a bash fest here so we need to remind people that we are a friendly group that does not insult each other. I will not lock this thread however I can ban people from posting in the forum. Let's not go down that road but instead take this as a warning and play nice again. Owner Art
    1 point
  9. I find the price for these so called high end coolers a bit much for me. It is becoming the norm and every cooler company is jumping on the bandwagon. Heck you can buy a home freezer for less than one of these 2 inch insulated plastic boxes. Rant over
    0 points
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