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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2019 in all areas

  1. Just a thought for a few of you commenting about how the guy "only" leases the land. If any of you "only" lease your car or truck please let me know. I'll be by tonight to take it for a spin ???
    4 points
  2. I've got access to quite a few nice fishing spots because I just went and asked instead of assumed. Although steelheading and zipping through someones property kinda goes hand in hand The best are the people that think they own the streambed, I'll sit and yap with them (While fishing) all day if they'd like.
    2 points
  3. A good real-estate agent from the area you are looking should know all of this and help you with any questions. Don't get someone who is a friend of a friend etc unless they know the area well. Also, I hope your job is very secure and that you can keep working from home. Really think about this before you move. You could get stuck in a bad situation. Hopefully your girlfriend feels the same way (or is that soon to be ex-girlfriend? lol)
    1 point
  4. I think an automatic stand-by generator is one of the best investments a person can make when living in the country and was one of the 1st things I bought when we moved here 9 years ago. Nice to know when the power goes out the Genny will fire up and run pretty well everything in the house which is especially important when you rely on electric pumps for getting water into the house and more importantly getting it back outside. We usually lose several times a year, sometimes for a day or more, and it's very reassuring to know when it does go out you've got nothing to worry about.
    1 point
  5. about time the PP coach figured out that Tavares and Matthews are capable of passing the puck ? who woulda thunk, when the other team collapses high with 3 players to take away all of the seams and eliminate the marner to kadri/marner to matthews option that all you gotta do is put the puck down to a wide open JT who then has the shoot or pass to Matthews option with only one defender to deal with... Tavares to Matthews, or vice versa...jeez it must have been pretty hard for them to realize that it could result in some goals? good grief.
    1 point
  6. Ok, I was thinking the landowner might possibly be giving permission to more than one guy or party, sounds like it's more regulated down there I think up here it's more common a hunter gets verbal permission and greases the landowner a bit, a bottle and a homemade pie at Christmas, some sausages after the hunt, helps him out when he can, stuff like that
    1 point
  7. The guy that made the video was being a little aggressive considering he only leases the property, he doesn't actually own it. Awhile back I was prospecting on private property during rifle season in November. Holy crap did the land owner come at me hard and he was in a rage. He assumed that I was hunting. Rifle season is a pretty big deal.
    1 point
  8. It's a problem right here in Haldimand OI. Maybe not to the same scale as in PA, but I know a few people who have become very discouraged because many landowners refuse to give permission anymore but the land ends up getting hunted anyhow. Closes doors for those who try to go about things the right way, those who don't follow the law get away with it.
    1 point
  9. And many wonder why they get the "NO" word, when asking to hunt on private land. It is so hard these days to get private property. Even the property I hunted, it took me a few years to prove I was a respectful hunter , hell, I worked with the guy.
    1 point
  10. I went through the same thing one year. I am all set up on private property. Owned by a co worker. I am all jacked up for this hunt. I am sitting in my tree and hear walking. Oh here comes my deer. Turn my head and see a walker in orange. IHe has no clue I am there. As he walks under me I ask what the hell he is doing? He is surprised I am there. He says he has permission. I say the ..... you do. Yes, we have been dogging this property for years now. I ask to see written permission. Dont have that he says. I reach in my pocket and say I do. Turns out they had permission from the owners past father 20 years ago. The son came and told them dont let me catch you guys on here again. Here is the funny part. The next year I am in the same stand and hear the same sound from the same direction as the year prior. I was no ,,,, way, not again. Turn my head and it,s a buck. That was the best sight to see. Well next to him dropping 20 yards after I blasted him. LOL
    1 point
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