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First Report - August 1st at Valens Conservation Area


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Hi all,


Well, what a scorcher it was today in the Kitchener area. With the mercury bubbling around 34 degrees C + the humidity, I thought, what a great opportunity to head out to Valen's conservation area and doing some fishing, rowing, and soak up a few rays. I could not believe how many people were out on the beach enjoying the warm day, looks like a great place to take your family.


The way things were going, I thought I should take a scenary pic 'cause I didn't think I would be catching anything to photo.




For about the first hour, the only thing that got a bite was my foot - tons of deerflies and I forgot the OFF at home. But after that, the fishing picked up and caught my first two panfish, ever. I was surprised the kind of fight they put on my 6lb line and light spinning rod. This was my first (had another come off the hook), I am fairly certain it is a blue gill, but I'm sure someone will correct me.




Just before heading in, i had another come off the hook, and then caught this one. I beleive its a black crappie, but agian, not 100% sure.




All around, a great few hours on the lake, and will definitely be back.

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Fished Valens in a canoe with a friend of mine a few years ago, middle of the summer, hot day. We weren't getting anything and assumed maybe not much was in there. He decides to throw on a huge 10 in plastic worm, despite my laughter and jeering. Drops it down and says he is hung up, his hang up starts to move and pulls the canoe. I looked down to see the biggest, fat pig of a largemouth I have ever seen. We have fished for years on Rondeau Bay, Kwarthas, Simcoe to name a few and have seen our fair share of 4 pound plus bass, even a few 5's. This fish made them look small in comparison. We both guessed between 7 and 8. No camera on the boat, its become a superstition with us, if we want to catch big fish, the camera stays on shore.

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Great pics and report


Some well deserved catches for sure...Especially with the heat and humidity...At 34 degrees, you'll find me underneath a tree, napping and waiting for my bite alarms to sound.


Deer flies are vicious...Does DEET even work on them?

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Great first report! Hope to see many more from you. It's funny...I do the same thing...take some scenery shots in case I dont catch anything...LOL. No huge fish, but you at least got into some.


Kudos for sticking it out thru the HEATWAVE!! By the time I got home from work, did some chores, and put our little one to bed, I went back outside and decided not to go fishing....just too humid and didn't feel like dealing with the mosquitoes!!! Cant catch a fish sitting in my living room!


Looking forward to reading about more fishing trips from you.

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