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Two Days + Two Lakes = Plenty of Fish!

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Hello All,




Headed out bright and early Sunday morning in search of some bass on one of my local lakes. Arrived at the launch to calm waters and an empty parking lot - thoughts of a productive day started filling my head immediately!

Began working my first stretch of water - a large bay with a mixture of weed, rock and sand, that sits in approximately six to 12-feet of water. Tossed around a SPRO Chug Minnow 45. Man, this bait is awesome! A cross between a Spook and a Chug Bug, it has an amazing "walk-the-dog" action while spitting water on each turn..

Didn't take long for the first fish to show itself - it being a pound-and-a-half largie. A dozen or so casts later, and another one. This area usually holds some bruiser smallies, but not today.

Head further down the lake, picking off the odd bass here and there. Although the conditions appeared favourable for a banner day, I began to realize I had my work cut out for me. The topwater bite pretty much ended for me then.


Decided to fish some water I have never tried before. First spot was a sand/rock bay and shoreline that has quite a few laydown trees and wood. Began tossing a YUM 5" Houdini Shad. Fifteen minutes in and my line begins travelling sideways....Hook Set!....and she's on. A very respectable smallie, with a considerably larger friend following it, trying to steal the bait. Beauty colours on this girl..




A few casts later and I miss another decent smallie. This fish shot out of nowhere and clobbered the bait as I was lifting it out of the water.

Continue to work along and notice that it gets deep fairly quick from the shoreline now. Another hit on the Shad, and this little guy comes into the boat..He certainly had an appetite!




Head over to the other side of the lake, to a little bay that is mainly sand and wood. Began casting over the fallen trees (working water in roughly 6 feet) when I see a long shape swim up from bottom and suck the soft plastic bait in. My first thought is Mr. Pike. Nope. This beauty of a fish..




It appears that the walleye in this lake enjoy the sand/wood locations during the sunny days of summer.[LOL]


Worked over my productive flipping haunts, but the fish were really tough to locate. Did get a few in the boat, but nothing of any real size.

Packed up the boat at 2:30pm and headed over to my folk's place. Day 2 would begin from there..




Load up the boat with my Dad at 9:30am and set out to fish a stretch of the Rideau River. An extremely hot and very calm day greets us.


I head over to a couple of small islands that have a great mixture of undercut cane and slop. My Dad gets into the action straight away with a small largie. Then a fish for me. A lost fish for Dad. Then a photo opp. for me..






The water was one to two-feet deep and crystal clear. Stealth was key, as were splashless approaches with the jigs. Both of us were using 3/8th oz. flipping jig, my Dad a black/blue BPS model, and myself a craw/brown Booyah type.


Since the water is so clear, you generally see each fish shoot out and suck in your jig. Fishing a prime stretch of undercut cane, I had a slight surprise when Mr. Pike made his presence known..




A few boats were working some of my prime slop spots, so we opted to work some secondary areas I've had luck at in the past. My Dad had some great action working a frog on the slop, but failed to drive the hooks home. I did pick off one or two of those fish with a jig, pitching to the hole left in the slop when they missed his offering.


A largie for Dad..




Another one for son..




The heat was beginning to get a bit sticky out there, so we decided to take our bass thumbs over to the local pub and enjoy a couple of cold pints.


All in all, a great two days of fishing! Put plenty of fish in the boat and shared some good times...


Until the next day on the water...


Good Fishing,


Edited by JustinHoffman
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Great report as usual, Justin. I'll bet you that there are a lot of people on this board who would love to have one more fish trip with dad. You're fortunate. Thanks for sharing.

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