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Lake Restoule


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Yep! Here you go, from the summer...


Ahh Restoule! and week 2 of our Honeymoon.




Amanda and I have been to Restoule many times before, we just love it there.


If you have been there before you know what I am talking about, the lake, and surrounding area is so pretty, as is most of (Near)Northern Ontario.




Our destination for this trip to Restoule was Martin's Camp.




We had visited Martins before when were were camping at Restoule Prov. Park, and pretty quickly learned how great Bing and Diane were, so the choice came easy to spend our Honeymoon there.


It wasn't long after we arrived at Martins Camp, and got settled that we were heading out on the water.




We started hammering fish right away....


Rock bass that is...






So we decided to try out in deeper water, toward a saddle between two islands.




Since we saw another 'fisherman' off the tip of one of the islands, we hoped our luck would improve nearby.




Unfortunately, it didn't and we spent a few days trying to figure out where the gold was on Restoule, the Pickerel.


During all this, I spent some time tossing various baits for the elusive Musky.




I tried a bit of everything, covering quite a bit of water but not even a single follow. At least I practiced my figure 8 technique a lot :)



We found a nice spot on Wednesday, a rocky point jutted out with large boulders, and a drop-off into deep water. I spotted a whole bunch of baitfish (Shiners), and was lucky enough to have one of those square dip nets on the boat. I quickly assembled to get a scoop of minnows. I probably captured about 40 minnows in one dip, and then the schools moved deeper. That was more than enough, and I started fishing with a slip-float and jig/minnow combo just anchored off of the deep edge. I couldn't believe how quickly the OOS smallmouth were grabbing the jig. They were actually swimming up from the depths and grabbing the jig and minnow on the drop.


I had to move out even deeper, and eventually we lifted the anchor and decided to drift along the whole edge of the point in about 20' of water. The float came off and it was just vertical jigging.


Bump! I get a hit, and it isn't fighting like a Bass, could it be a Pickerel??? Nope, but a pretty Pike isn't bad at all :)




We packed it in, and headed over to Gerry's.




Gerry's is a place we always visit, they carry everything you could need, and are also an L.C.B.O agent ;)



Unfortunately, from Thursday to Saturday the weather was pretty crumby.

I went out on Thursday for a couple of hours after lunch, on a solo Pickerel hunt. I figured I could now spend some time covering water while trolling. We hadn't done too much trolling since Amanda preferred to cast. I don't blame her though, the fishing was slow and we all know how exciting trolling is when the fish aren't co-operating.


I made my way around a sandy point that joined back into a rocky shoreline where an old creek used to drain into the lake. It was a classic looking spot, and I had a good feeling. Sure enough, always trust your gut, since I hooked into 2 small Pickerel on a minnow harness. I lost both of them though, one shook the hook while I was trying to get into a position to lean over and grab the little guy, left the net at the cottage!

Then the second one actually had in my hand until it did a back flip out of it.


Then I set up with the slip-float with the jig and a lively minnow. Cast it out and finally got a Pic' in the boat.


I had to bring a Pickerel home for dinner, or the time I spent out fishing away from my wife on my honeymoon would be scrutinized. Each minute I was away would be calculated into bartering tender in the future for something like an over-the-border shoe-shopping blitz at my expense. I can picture it now :D




Mmm can't get any fresher than that, Pickerel appetizer ;)



The next couple of days were pretty harsh, we had planned to go into a back lake nearby but the weather was pretty miserable, and we opted against it.


Some fun around the cabin, as always ;)




But since Amanda got a new rain suit, she didn't want to not actually use it, so we braved the plummeting temperatures. Unfortunately, all we seemed to manage were some more OOS Smallmouth. Each time we would move locations, we would run into more of the feisty buggers. Some of the fish even came out of deeper water, was pretty surprised actually. I guess the only good thing that came of it was seeing thousands of bass smolt scattered around the docks and shoreline. They must have just 'hatched' the week before and I am assuming a lot of the Bass were starting to move off of their nests.









After cleaning out the boat, and clearing up the tab with Dianne, it was time to go home, and ease back into 'working' mode.






The perfect end to a perfect honeymoon :)




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Hello Yellowboat,

I have been going to Restoule for about 10 years now and I have always stayed at Martin's Camp.It is a great place and Bing and Dianne are great people.

Tell them that Dean sent you and you will be in for a whole ton of laughs.

Smallmouth fishing is ridiculous !!!


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Beautiful lake. We had very slow fishing when my wife an I went a couple years ago for a fall trip. Don't forget to try out the two lakes attached to Restoule to the north called Stormy and Sand. You need to trailer and launch into them, but worth the hassle. Very few other people on those two lakes. We were treated very well at Martin's camp. Bing and Dianne were a pleasure to deal with. Tough fishing for us, and I've heard the same on a few other reports. Not sure why, the lakes look prime.


Here's a link to a map a nice person from OFC once fwd to me. I no longer have the high res version, but maybe someone else does and they can send your way.


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