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Any Ice On Scugog Yet? (nf)


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for anyone who drives past scugog, I just wanted to know if it's frozen. Want to duck hunt on saturday morning and don't feel like waking up early and driving there to find out its frozen. There was some ice last weekend but I was still able to get around (north of the island). Thanks

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Yep we are about 120 feet from our dock.


The river is not open during the winter. But where does the river and the lake end ? ......


It is a dangerous area to be (near where the river flows out) people go through every year. Steer Clear.



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Dec 4th (Evening): Some very thin ‘slushy’ crust of ice on the surface. (Suspected that if a gentle wind came up it would be gone)


Dec 5th (Morning ): Some small waves, no more crust of ice.

Darn waves.

We need to get some thickness built up, so it does not break apart from the waves.


Decent amount of ice building up on the rocks on shore ( and my first section of dock too)

Going to pull the rest of the dock out tonight. If I don’t I suspect it will be frozen in by Sunday. Not like I will be canoeing anymore; will wait till ice starts to go out.


Won’t be long now.


26 Days 13.75 Hours


Get Your Fish-On !


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Dec 5 (evening): Pulled the rest of the dock out last night, had to take the spud down to free it from shore. There was about 40 feet of ice out from shore about 1 - 2 cm thick, 3 hours later it was all gone ???? And there was only a bit of ice on shore again. No strong wind came up..... where did it go...?


Down the road there is about 70 feet of ice out from shore, thick enough to toss some rocks out and wait for them to hit open water. Almost enough thickness there to stand on.... or ... well maybe one foot to rest on till it broke.


All we need is a couple of cold days with no wind to get the ice started.


At lest the dock is out, (toddyfish) now I can turn my back and not be concerned.



25 Days 15.5 Hours




Not Yet

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Dec 6: Did not check the lake.



morning of Dec 7 (this morning) did check the lake, too windy for ice to form. There was some broken chunks and slush building up on shore out to about 30 feet out from shore. TOO MUCH WIND.



I would expect the ice to be coming along in areas of the lake where there is little or no wind.



24 Days 14 Hours




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Dec 11 (evening) : checked the ice, there is still 2 inches, but any holes cut over the weekend are still open. I took a chipper with me (spud) and the ice feels very soft, in fact it is taking on a ‘honeycomb’ appearance. There is some water pooling on top of the ice. I really wonder it there will be any ice left by this weekend.


19 Days 13.5 Hours


I’ve got the canoe ready if need be.



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